from a Unix point of view, Wine is just an application, so I don't see no reason why Wine should behave differently than any other application.
systemd requests, for privacy reasons, that usage in application A shall not be bound via that identifier to usage in application B ; hence putting a Chinese wall between application A and B
for the very same reason that /sys/class/dmi/id/board_serial, chassis_serial, product_serial and product_uuid are not readable by user
exposing directly /etc/machine-id is hence a major privacy concern
Note: Windows expose these HW id:s without constraints whereas Linux puts some limitations.
IANAL, but these privacy concerns are embedded inside the Windows EULA, whereas there's nothing for Wine.
And also, this conforms to what is required in common privacy regulation (eg GDPR) where:
a) these (HW) identifiers are considered as 'personal data'
b) when possible, shouldn't be used directly but in a non reversible hashed form to create a unique link based on that id