Giovanni Mascellani (@giomasce) commented about tests/shader_runner_d3d12.c:
hr = ID3D12Device_CheckFeatureSupport(device, D3D12_FEATURE_D3D12_OPTIONS1, &runner.options1, sizeof(runner.options1)); ok(hr == S_OK, "Failed to check feature options1 support, hr %#x.\n", hr);
- if (maximum_shader_model >= SHADER_MODEL_6_0)
- trace("Compiling SM4-SM5 shaders with %s and executing with %s\n", HLSL_COMPILER, SHADER_RUNNER);
- run_shader_tests(&runner.r, &d3d12_runner_ops, dxc_compiler, SHADER_MODEL_4_0, SHADER_MODEL_5_1);
- if (dxc_compiler)
- { trace("Int64ShaderOps: %u.\n", runner.options1.Int64ShaderOps);
- run_shader_tests(&runner.r, &d3d12_runner_ops, dxc_compiler, minimum_shader_model, maximum_shader_model);
trace("Compiling SM6 shaders with dxcompiler and executing with vkd3d\n");
Why not using `SHADER_RUNNER` here too? Right now `dxc_compiler` is never made available with crosstests, but it might happen in the future. [Conor mentioned using it in a development environment](