Jacek Caban (@jacek) commented about dlls/wininet/internet.c:
FIXME("Unhandled dwMoveContext %ld\n", dwMoveContext);
goto lend;
- }
- res = cache_pos;
- size = GetFileSize(request->hCacheFile, NULL);
- err = size == INVALID_FILE_SIZE ? GetLastError() : NO_ERROR;
- if(err != NO_ERROR) {
ERR("GetFileSize failed with error %ld\n", err);
goto lend;
- }
- if(size < cache_pos) {
BYTE buf[1024];
BOOL ret;
while(size < cache_pos) {
ret = InternetReadFile(hFile, buf, 1024, &cread);
I think that this will not work with asynchronous request. MSDN suggests that `InternetSetFilePointer` is synchronous, but may cause later `InternetReadFile` to block. It would be interesting to have more tests for that. It may be useful to use our helpers that use local server and control when reply is sent, see `test_http_read()` for an example.