Huw Davies (@huw) commented about dlls/advapi32/tests/registry.c:
- HANDLE hivefile;
- HKEY key1 = NULL;
- /* in win 7 we cannot delete the hive file while the process is running */
- /* thats why we don't delete it at the end of the test */
- DeleteFileA("saved_app_key");
- DeleteFileA("saved_app_key.LOG");
- if (!set_privileges(SE_BACKUP_NAME, TRUE) ||
!set_privileges(SE_RESTORE_NAME, FALSE))
- {
win_skip("Failed to set SE_BACKUP_NAME privileges, skipping tests\n");
- }
- ret = RegSaveKeyA(hkey_main, "saved_app_key", NULL);
Rather than dump a hard-coded file in the current directory, please create it in the temp directory. See how this is done using e.g. `GetTempPath()` and `GetTempFileName()` in `test_RegLoadMUIString()`.