Test module references created by resolving forwarded exports.
The following diagram explains what happens in bug #52094 under the hood:
```mermaid graph TB subgraph state_00["Initial"] direction LR s00_ida[ida64.dll] ~~~ s00_idapy[idapython64.dll] ~~~ s00_py3[python3.dll] -. "(forwards to)" .-> s00_py311[python311.dll] end state_00 -. "1. <strong><code><span style='color:#28f'>Load</span>Library("</code></strong>configured Python version (e.g., python311.dll)<strong><code>")</code></strong>" .-> state_01 subgraph state_01["python311.dll loaded"] direction LR s01_ida[ida64.dll] ~~~ s01_idapy[idapython64.dll] ~~~ s01_py3[python3.dll] -. "(forwards to)" .-> s01_py311[python311.dll] s01_ida -- "<em>dynamic</em> ref" --> s01_py311 end state_01 -. "2. <strong><code><span style='color:#28f'>Load</span>Library("</code></strong>idapython64.dll<strong><code>")</code></strong>" .-> state_02 subgraph state_02["idapython64.dll loaded"] direction LR s02_ida[ida64.dll] -- "<em>dynamic</em> ref" --> s02_idapy[idapython64.dll] -- "<em><strong>static</strong></em> ref" --> s02_py3[python3.dll] -. "(forwards to)" .-> s02_py311[python311.dll] s02_ida -- "<em>dynamic</em> ref" --> s02_py311 s02_idapy -- "<span style='color:red'><em><strong>static forwarded</strong></em> ref</span>" --> s02_py311 end state_02 -. "3. <strong><code><span style='color:#d70'>Free</span>Library("</code></strong>configured Python version (e.g., python311.dll)<strong><code>")</code></strong>" .-> state_03 subgraph state_03["python311.dll reference removed"] direction LR style s03_py311 color:#f00,stroke:#f00 s03_ida[ida64.dll] -- "<em>dynamic</em> ref" --> s03_idapy[idapython64.dll] -- "<em><strong>static</strong></em> ref" --> s03_py3[python3.dll] -. "(forwards to)" .-> s03_py311[python311.dll] s03_ida -. "<del><em>dynamic</em> ref (deleted)</del>" .-> s03_py311 s03_idapy -- "<span style='color:red'><em><strong>static forwarded</strong></em> ref</span>" --> s03_py311 end ```
On Windows, the <em><strong>static forwarded</strong></em> ref keeps `python3.dll` from being unloaded; however, Wine is missing this behavior, causing it to be unloaded and cause segfault immediately (since further initialization happens just after FreeLibrary). The tests aim to reproduce this condition.
-- v4: kernel32/tests: Test module refcounting with forwarded exports.