Jacek Caban (@jacek) commented about dlls/winewayland.drv/waylanddrv_main.c:
+static const struct user_driver_funcs null_funcs = { 0 };
static NTSTATUS waylanddrv_unix_init(void *arg) {
- if (!wayland_process_init()) return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL;
/* Set the user driver functions now so that they are available during
* our initialization. We clear them on error. */
__wine_set_user_driver(&waylanddrv_funcs, WINE_GDI_DRIVER_VERSION);
if (!wayland_process_init()) goto err;
return 0;
- __wine_set_user_driver(&null_funcs, WINE_GDI_DRIVER_VERSION);
Maybe we should allow passing NULL to `__wine_set_user_driver` and handle that in win32u, which already has `null_user_driver`? For the initial MR, you could also just initialize user driver after `wayland_process_init` call and change that later, when it's needed.