Jacek Caban (@jacek) commented about dlls/mshtml/tests/es5.js:
ok(Object.isFrozen(o) === false, "Object.isFrozen(o) = " + Object.isFrozen(o)); ok(Object.isSealed(o) === true, "Object.isSealed(o) = " + Object.isSealed(o));
- ok(!o.hasOwnProperty("width"), 'o.hasOwnProperty("width") = ' + o.hasOwnProperty("width"));
- ok(Screen.prototype.hasOwnProperty("width"),
'Screen.prototype.hasOwnProperty("width") = ' + Screen.prototype.hasOwnProperty("width"));
Please add some tests showing that props are indeed accessor properties. Their implicit use is covered by a number of other tests, but something simple like `getOwnPropertyDescriptor`, maybe paired with a getter/setter call using `call()` function, would be nice.