On Sun Jan 14 15:57:37 2024 +0000, Warren Togami wrote:
Windows seems to do two different things depending on if you let go or not. Is kinetic momentum that carries over after you let go the right approach for wine when it doesn't behave that way for other Linux apps like the web browser? The non-kinetic touchpad behavior of XWayland feels fine to me despite being different from Windows. (Only asking question. I didn't test this latest commit yet.)
so my previous merge somewhat behaves that way too. when you're finger is moving on the pad it tracks your finger, when you let go after a big enough swipe it scrolls a bit more. it's a little hard to trigger this scrolling. I'm going to change it, to look at acceleration instead, which i think will feel more natural, and drop the whole exponential decay bit.
I don't think the Xwayland way is great because you can't scroll to a precise line. that's maybe okay for a scroll wheel, but people expect precision when using their fingers i think.