Rémi Bernon (@rbernon) commented about dlls/winegstreamer/wmv_decoder.c:
return S_OK;
- decoder->output_subtype = type->subtype;
- decoder->output_format = wg_format;
- /* Set up wg_transform. */
- if (decoder->wg_transform) {
decoder->output_subtype = type->subtype;
decoder->output_format = wg_format;
if (!wg_transform_set_output_format(decoder->wg_transform, &decoder->output_format))
return E_FAIL;
- }
- else
- {
if (!(decoder->wg_transform = wg_transform_create(&decoder->input_format, &decoder->output_format)))
return E_FAIL;
I think it might be better to simply destroy and re-create the transform. Changing its output format would probably require to support format change events, and make things more complicated.