Rémi Bernon (@rbernon) commented about dlls/windows.storage.applicationdata/tests/data.c:
hr = IActivationFactory_QueryInterface( factory, &IID_IApplicationDataStatics, (void **)&application_data_statics ); ok( hr == S_OK, "got hr %#lx.\n", hr );
- hr = IApplicationDataStatics_get_Current( application_data_statics, NULL );
- todo_wine ok( hr == E_INVALIDARG, "got hr %#lx.\n", hr );
- hr = IApplicationDataStatics_get_Current( application_data_statics, &application_data );
- todo_wine ok( hr == 0x80073d54, "got hr %#lx.\n", hr );
- todo_wine ok( !application_data, "got application_data %p.\n", application_data );
As the stub doesn't do anything you should initialize the `application_data` pointer before the call, otherwise the check / todo that it is NULL may be flaky depending on undefined initialization patterns. We usually init pointers that are supposed to be cleared to `(void *)0xdeadbeef`, and pointers that are supposed to be set, to NULL.