Alfred Agrell (@Alcaro) commented about dlls/inetcpl.cpl/inetcpl.rc:
IDS_SEC_LEVEL3 "Medium" IDS_SEC_LEVEL4 "Increased" IDS_SEC_LEVEL5 "High"
- /* The English zone names and descriptions should be identical to the ones in dlls/urlmon/urlmon.inf */
- IDS_SEC_ZONE0_NAME "My Computer"
- IDS_SEC_ZONE0_DESC "Your computer"
- IDS_SEC_ZONE1_NAME "Local intranet"
- IDS_SEC_ZONE1_DESC "This zone contains all Web sites that are on your organization's intranet."
- IDS_SEC_ZONE2_NAME "Trusted sites"
- IDS_SEC_ZONE2_DESC "This zone contains Web sites that you trust not to damage your computer or data."
- IDS_SEC_ZONE3_NAME "Internet"
- IDS_SEC_ZONE3_DESC "This zone contains all Web sites you haven't placed in other zones"
This one doesn't have a trailing period. Is that intentional?