Nikolay Sivov (@nsivov) commented about libs/vkd3d/command.c:
static void STDMETHODCALLTYPE d3d12_command_list_OMSetDepthBounds(ID3D12GraphicsCommandList5 *iface, FLOAT min, FLOAT max) {
- FIXME("iface %p, min %.8e, max %.8e stub!\n", iface, min, max);
- TRACE("iface %p, min %.8e, max %.8e \n", iface, min, max);
- struct d3d12_command_list *list = impl_from_ID3D12GraphicsCommandList5(iface);
- const struct vkd3d_vk_device_procs *vk_procs;
- vk_procs = &list->device->vk_procs;
- VK_CALL(vkCmdSetDepthBounds(list->vk_command_buffer, min, max));
Do we need to update vulkan command buffer at all? I mean do these bounds affect anything else other than the next drawing command?
P.S. it is an actual question, because I don't know nearly enough to suggest that one way is better than the other.