On Fri Dec 13 17:11:47 2024 +0000, Jan Sikorski wrote:
It looks like it should be `ZYXW`, or am I reading the fixup wrong?
Admitedly I found this via trial and error - YZWX was the one that got the textures in Maple Story right.
Here's a more thoughtful attempt in explaining it. I prefer Vulkan's pixel format enums over dxgi since someone at Microsoft insisted on reordering them vs their d3d9 counterparts...
WINED3DFMT_B4G4R4A4_UNORM matches VK_FORMAT_A4R4G4B4_UNORM_PACK16_EXT. My patch is using R4G4B4A4_UNORM for now:
A/W is in R/X R/X is in G/Y G/Y is in B/Z B/Z is in A/W ```
we want to have RGBA in the shader read, so YZWX.