Esme Povirk (@madewokherd) commented about dlls/comdlg32/navbar.c:
if (max_crumbs_w < 0) return;
- SetWindowPos(info->pathedit_hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, overflow_w + max_crumbs_w, info->container_h, SWP_NOMOVE);
if (!GetClientRect(info->refresh_goto_btn_hwnd, &refresh_goto_btn_rc))
refresh_goto_btn_w = refresh_goto_btn_rc.right - refresh_goto_btn_rc.left;
SetWindowPos(info->pathedit_hwnd, NULL, 0, 0, overflow_w + max_crumbs_w - refresh_goto_btn_w, info->container_h, SWP_NOMOVE);
SetWindowPos(info->refresh_goto_btn_hwnd, NULL, container_w - refresh_goto_btn_w, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE);
/* reserve some space on the right side for click-to-edit area */
- max_crumbs_w -= MulDiv(64, info->dpi_x, USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI);
- max_crumbs_w -= MulDiv(64 + refresh_goto_btn_w, info->dpi_x, USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI);
I think refresh_goto_btn_w should be outside the MulDiv?