Giovanni Mascellani (@giomasce) commented about tests/hlsl/tessellation.shader_test:
- [domain("tri")]
+void main(patch_constant_data input,
float3 tess_coord : SV_DomainLocation,
const OutputPatch<data, 3> patch,
out data output)
- output.position = tess_coord.x * patch[0].position
+ tess_coord.y * patch[1].position
+ tess_coord.z * patch[2].position;
- output.r = tess_coord.x * patch[0].r + tess_coord.y * patch[1].r + tess_coord.z * patch[2].r;
- output.g = tess_coord.x * patch[0].g + tess_coord.y * patch[1].g + tess_coord.z * patch[2].g;
- output.b = tess_coord.x * patch[0].b + tess_coord.y * patch[1].b + tess_coord.z * patch[2].b;
+[vertex shader]
Minor, but can we order the shaders in the "logical" order (VS, HS, DS, PS)?