dlls/shell32/resources/ietoolbar.bmp is very similar to dlls/ieframe/ietoolbar.bmp. In Windows XP, the IE toolbar icons were only in shell32.dll, and there were 16 of them. Internet Explorer 7 added ieframe.dll that had the same 16 icons plus 7 more icons for a total of 23. The 7 new icons were never added to shell32.dll, and in Windows Vista and later, shell32.dll does not include the IE toolbar bitmap resource at all.
dlls/shell32/resources/ietoolbar*.bmp was created with ImageMagick from the public domain Tango icon theme using the following shell script:
ICONS=' actions/go-previous.png actions/go-next.png actions/process-stop.png actions/view-refresh.png actions/go-home.png actions/system-search.png emblems/emblem-favorite.png actions/document-print.png actions/format-text-bold.png apps/accessories-text-editor.png categories/preferences-system.png mimetypes/audio-x-generic.png apps/office-calendar.png apps/internet-mail.png actions/view-fullscreen.png actions/document-new.png '
pushd 32x32 convert +append $ICONS ietoolbar.bmp popd
pushd 16x16 convert +append $ICONS ietoolbar_small.bmp popd