*** shadow/383 Thu Dec 13 13:59:22 2001
--- shadow/383.tmp.27071 Thu Apr 11 10:10:42 2002
*** 7,16 ****
| Severity: normal OS/Version: All |
| Priority: P1 Component: wine-winelib |
! | Assigned To: bugs(a) |
| Reported By: mark.sieverts(a) |
- | CC list: Cc: |
| URL: |
--- 7,16 ----
| Severity: normal OS/Version: All |
| Priority: P1 Component: wine-winelib |
! | Assigned To: wine-bugs(a) |
| Reported By: mark.sieverts(a) |
+ | Milestone: TargetMilestone: --- |
| URL: |
*** 40,42 ****
--- 40,48 ----
individual windows programs like sol, mplayer, etc. When I try and run
wine -winver win95,98, I get the above shared library error. If I'm wacked,
please let me know, thanks
+ ------- Additional Comments From tony_lambregts(a) 2002-04-11 10:10 -------
+ Mark: Have you tried this lately? I don't use the rpm's myself. but I know
+ CodeWeavers has had version 5 out for a while. If you would like to be more up
+ to date the tarball instalation is fairly easy.
*** shadow/391 Thu Dec 27 16:23:55 2001
--- shadow/391.tmp.23284 Thu Apr 11 09:28:24 2002
*** 7,16 ****
| Severity: normal OS/Version: All |
| Priority: P1 Component: wine-misc |
! | Assigned To: bugs(a) |
| Reported By: he(a) |
- | CC list: Cc: |
| URL: |
--- 7,16 ----
| Severity: normal OS/Version: All |
| Priority: P1 Component: wine-misc |
! | Assigned To: wine-bugs(a) |
| Reported By: he(a) |
+ | Milestone: TargetMilestone: --- |
| URL: |
*** 30,32 ****
--- 30,36 ----
Running it from within gdb with the same arguments as shown in the original
post show that this happens before entering main(). Doing a backtrace gives
nothing useful (5 levels down but the function names are unknown (??)).
+ ------- Additional Comments From tony_lambregts(a) 2002-04-11 09:28 -------
+ Reporter is this still a problemwith latest version of wine?
*** shadow/571 Thu Apr 11 08:09:57 2002
--- shadow/571.tmp.18241 Thu Apr 11 08:11:01 2002
*** 110,112 ****
--- 110,116 ----
on sockets. Stay tuned, I already have a patch for that, but I am still testing.
And please, give me the clue about generating these traces (mail me privately).
+ ------- Additional Comments From martin.wilck(a) 2002-04-11 08:11 -------
+ Ooops, you had the info there already ... sometimes I'm just blind.
*** shadow/571 Thu Apr 11 07:55:17 2002
--- shadow/571.tmp.18095 Thu Apr 11 08:09:57 2002
*** 101,103 ****
--- 101,112 ----
wine --debugmsg +all sockettest.exe > debug.txt
The error still comes at TSocketStream.Read
+ ------- Additional Comments From martin.wilck(a) 2002-04-11 08:09 -------
+ I am sorry. You are still missing the server-side support for asynchronous IO on
+ sockets.
+ Actually, you are having a problem which I am tying to solve *right now* -
+ asynchronous IO
+ on sockets. Stay tuned, I already have a patch for that, but I am still testing.
+ And please, give me the clue about generating these traces (mail me privately).
*** shadow/571 Thu Apr 11 04:37:04 2002
--- shadow/571.tmp.17240 Thu Apr 11 07:55:17 2002
*** 87,89 ****
--- 87,103 ----
Please inform me of either success or failure. This patch is waiting for
acceptance, and your case
may be strong one if it helps you out :)
+ ------- Additional Comments From jarto(a) 2002-04-11 07:55 -------
+ I applied the patch to a fresh cvs-tree. It still doesn't work but now at least
+ I get an error message. Actually two different ones:
+ "Read error 0, Success." trace:
+ "Read error 6, Invalid handle." trace:
+ I created the trace by running:
+ wine --debugmsg +all sockettest.exe > debug.txt
+ The error still comes at TSocketStream.Read
\ No newline at end of file
*** shadow/571 Thu Apr 11 02:26:29 2002
--- shadow/571.tmp.5513 Thu Apr 11 04:37:04 2002
*** 66,68 ****
--- 66,89 ----
------- Additional Comments From jarto(a) 2002-04-11 02:26 -------
The bug occurs with 20020310 too. I can test an earlier version if you just tell
me which one to test.
+ ------- Additional Comments From martin.wilck(a) 2002-04-11 04:37 -------
+ Please try if the following patch resolves your problem:
+ If not, please send me another trace (Btw how do you generate these beautiful
+ traces with server and client messages interleaved?)
+ Patch URL:
+ Rationale: The created socket uses overlapped mode by default. The code calls
+ ReadFile()
+ with an OVERLAPPED structure to receive its answer. The ReadFile() request
+ succeeds immediately, and with the current CVS implementation the event of the
+ OVERLAPPED structure
+ is not set in the immediate completion case. The above patch changes the way
+ immediate completion is handled (especially, the event handling) and might
+ therefore be the solution.
+ Please inform me of either success or failure. This patch is waiting for
+ acceptance, and your case
+ may be strong one if it helps you out :)