*** shadow/565 Sat Apr 6 16:44:21 2002
--- shadow/565.tmp.2974 Sat Apr 6 16:44:21 2002
*** 0 ****
--- 1,27 ----
+ +============================================================================+
+ | wine cant catch/execute pointer from other process(example Halflife/Antich |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Bug #: 565 Product: Wine |
+ | Status: UNCONFIRMED Version: unspecified |
+ | Resolution: Platform: |
+ | Severity: normal OS/Version: All |
+ | Priority: P1 Component: test |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Assigned To: wine-bugs(a) |
+ | Reported By: ah_duke(a) |
+ | CC list: Cc: |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Milestone: TargetMilestone: --- |
+ | URL: |
+ +============================================================================+
+ I tried to get battlecom installed.
+ I recievid the same errors like Halflife produces with anti-cheat program cheating death.
+ It seems to be an generaly problem!
+ err:win:WIN_FindWndPtr window 10021 belongs to other process
+ err:win:WIN_FindWndPtr window 10021 belongs to other process
+ fixme:win32:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount critsection=0x653cf7a0: spincount=1000 not supported
+ fixme:win32:SetCriticalSectionSpinCount critsection=0x653cf810: spincount=1000 not supported
+ the main process waits for the new process. the system hangs.
\ No newline at end of file
*** shadow/558 Sat Apr 6 14:33:57 2002
--- shadow/558.tmp.21294 Sat Apr 6 14:57:18 2002
*** 63,65 ****
--- 63,76 ----
that is the exact problem for the spaces. thanks.
im not exactly a command line god but i can fiddle around with it - that is how
i got word to 'work' for that half second.
+ ------- Additional Comments From tony_lambregts(a) 2002-04-06 14:57 -------
+ If I recall correctly CodeWeavers (and a lot of other rpm's) dont set up the
+ debugger. In order to get a proper trace on this problem you need to set up the
+ debugger.The thing is CodeWeavers rpm is about 6 months old and many changes
+ have been made to wine in the mean time. If you can do without the point and
+ click (which dosen't "really" work) why not uninstall the rpm, ("rpm -e wine"
+ should do the trick) and install from the latest tarball. This is covered here
+ if you are interested. If you have any
+ problems/questions I'll try to help.
*** shadow/558 Wed Apr 3 20:40:03 2002
--- shadow/558.tmp.19116 Sat Apr 6 14:33:57 2002
*** 7,13 ****
| Severity: normal OS/Version: All |
| Priority: P1 Component: wine-binary |
! | Assigned To: bugs(a) |
| Reported By: therogue86(a) |
| Milestone: TargetMilestone: --- |
--- 7,13 ----
| Severity: normal OS/Version: All |
| Priority: P1 Component: wine-binary |
! | Assigned To: wine-bugs(a) |
| Reported By: therogue86(a) |
| Milestone: TargetMilestone: --- |
*** 57,59 ****
--- 57,65 ----
Now what about Word 2K you say It comes up for half a second and then dies. How
good do you think you are at the console (xterm)?
+ ------- Additional Comments From therogue86(a) 2002-04-06 14:33 -------
+ that is the exact problem for the spaces. thanks.
+ im not exactly a command line god but i can fiddle around with it - that is how
+ i got word to 'work' for that half second.
\ No newline at end of file
*** shadow/557 Sat Apr 6 11:39:57 2002
--- shadow/557.tmp.17858 Sat Apr 6 14:02:57 2002
*** 91,93 ****
--- 91,99 ----
+ ------- Additional Comments From tony_lambregts(a) 2002-04-06 14:02 -------
+ It seems that whatever is happening is locking up x pretty tight. It's really
+ not good when you can't ctrl-alt-F1. Lets start with something simple then. what
+ happens when you run sol.exe?
\ No newline at end of file
*** shadow/259 Sat Apr 6 11:46:37 2002
--- shadow/259.tmp.11054 Sat Apr 6 11:46:37 2002
*** 0 ****
--- 1,25 ----
+ +============================================================================+
+ | Garbled screen in Starcraft |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Bug #: 259 Product: Wine |
+ | Status: UNCONFIRMED Version: unspecified |
+ | Resolution: Platform: |
+ | Severity: normal OS/Version: All |
+ | Priority: P1 Component: wine-multimedia |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Assigned To: wine-bugs(a) |
+ | Reported By: sqrammi(a) |
+ | CC list: Cc: |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Milestone: TargetMilestone: --- |
+ | URL: |
+ +============================================================================+
+ I have an ATI Radeon card that used to have little problems before I installed the new X
+ Windows 4.1.0, but it didn't fix my old problem in Wine.
+ I can get into Starcraft just fine and all but it brings up a totally garbled screen.
+ I can see my cursor moving around but it's all on different lines and looks like it's
+ trying to write to a screen of the wrong dimensions.
+ ------- Additional Comments From asus_000(a) 2002-04-06 11:46 -------
+ I am having same problems ... my bug is in 557 try the hints listed there
\ No newline at end of file
*** shadow/557 Thu Apr 4 22:04:35 2002
--- shadow/557.tmp.10742 Sat Apr 6 11:39:57 2002
*** 83,85 ****
--- 83,93 ----
------- Additional Comments From asus_000(a) 2002-04-04 22:04 -------
i tryed the trace thingy and it still didn't work.. i found the dirvers on that
site but it said that linux already had then on the install cd's and kernel
+ ------- Additional Comments From asus_000(a) 2002-04-06 11:39 -------
+ also i can't ctrl+alt+f1 out after i start wine
+ i can't monitor the harddrive while in wine and i can't do anything
*** shadow/434 Fri Apr 5 08:45:15 2002
--- shadow/434.tmp.5789 Fri Apr 5 18:05:00 2002
*** 135,137 ****
--- 135,296 ----
going to stdout) Is there a click/release timer that could be
+ ------- Additional Comments From ivanovich(a) 2002-04-05 18:05 -------
+ I tried to find myself what was happening with this bug and did some debugging,
+ i don't have the knowledge to understand what happens but maybe someone can find
+ this useful:
+ 1- Some observations
+ 2- Output from strace when hitting the bug
+ 3- Output from gdb when backtracing the wine process which seems to loop
+ 1. all tests performed on Macromedia Flash 5
+ - Bug happens after clicking the left mouse button over the draw zone
+ - The bug seems an endless loop of some kind (probably waiting for a mouse
+ button release event which isn't sent or something like this), 100% cpu gets
+ used by process wine, wineserver, and X. They use about 33% load each (X uses a
+ bit more)
+ - Strace shows an error from the read system call which maybe is related with
+ the bug
+ - While waiting for mouse button release event, the application constantly
+ draws a rectangle from the point where the mouse button was clicked down to the
+ point where the cursor is actually located (this is normal behaviour in winblows
+ while you drag the mouse).
+ Maybe the function or proccess drawing of that rectangle is using the
+ resource which strace error log is talking about (resource temporarily
+ unavailable).
+ 2- strace output
+ When it enters the bug the strace output looks like this
+ I have no idea about it but can the "Reource temporarily unavailable" error
+ can be caused by someone trying to read mouse status and being unable to do so?
+ command run to get the output: strace wine flash.exe
+ read(10, 0x405b6788, 32) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily
+ unavailable)
+ select(11, [10], NULL, NULL, NULL) = 1 (in [10])
+ read(10, "\1\1d\36\0\0\0\0p\0\0\0\300\376\340\0u\2v\2u\2v\2\4\0\35"..., 32) = 32
+ gettimeofday({1018043017, 590545}, NULL) = 0
+ rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, [HUP INT ALRM IO], [32], 8) = 0
+ write(4, "s\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 64) = 64
+ read(5, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 64) = 64
+ rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [32], NULL, 8) = 0
+ write(10, "&\1\2\0p\0\0\0", 8) = 8
+ read(10, 0x405b6788, 32) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily
+ unavailable)
+ select(11, [10], NULL, NULL, NULL) = 1 (in [10])
+ read(10, "\1\1e\36\0\0\0\0p\0\0\0\300\376\340\0u\2v\2u\2v\2\4\0\377"..., 32) =
+ 32
+ gettimeofday({1018043017, 607734}, NULL) = 0
+ gettimeofday({1018043017, 607765}, NULL) = 0
+ rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, [HUP INT ALRM IO], [32], 8) = 0
+ write(4, "s\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 64) = 64
+ read(5, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 64) = 64
+ rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [32], NULL, 8) = 0
+ write(10, "&\1\2\0p\0\0\0", 8) = 8
+ read(10, 0x405b6788, 32) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily
+ unavailable)
+ select(11, [10], NULL, NULL, NULL) = 1 (in [10])
+ read(10, "\1\1f\36\0\0\0\0p\0\0\0\300\376\340\0u\2v\2u\2v\2\4\0\35"..., 32) = 32
+ gettimeofday({1018043017, 609112}, NULL) = 0
+ rt_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, [HUP INT ALRM IO], [32], 8) = 0
+ write(4, "s\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 64) = 64
+ read(5, "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"..., 64) = 64
+ rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, [32], NULL, 8) = 0
+ write(10, "&\1\2\0p\0\0\0", 8) = 8
+ 3- gdb output
+ I run gdb wine in the wine source directory.
+ I followed the procedure explained in the wine debugging FAQ, section for
+ endless loops (
+ Then i attach the process wine which is using the cpu (there are another
+ processes called wine but they're not using cpu)
+ Then i run "bt" inside gdb, the output of backtrace is this:
+ #0 0x402fc51e in __select () from /lib/i686/
+ #1 0x40e3e1b4 in _XlcPublicMethods () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
+ #2 0x40d7e6da in _XRead () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
+ #3 0x40d7f19a in _XReply () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
+ #4 0x40d75b0e in XQueryPointer () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
+ #5 0x40cb7b69 in TSXQueryPointer () from /usr/local/lib/
+ #6 0x000033ec in ?? ()
+ Cannot access memory at address 0xfffffd84
+ Then i run "n" as suggested by the wine debugging FAQ, the outputs of some
+ consecutive "n"s are this:
+ (gdb) n
+ Single stepping until exit from function __select,
+ which has no line number information.
+ 0x40d7d973 in _XPollfdCacheDel () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
+ (gdb) n
+ Single stepping until exit from function _XPollfdCacheDel,
+ which has no line number information.
+ 0x40d7e6da in _XRead () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
+ (gdb) n
+ Single stepping until exit from function _XRead,
+ which has no line number information.
+ 0x40d7f19a in _XReply () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
+ (gdb) n
+ Single stepping until exit from function _XReply,
+ which has no line number information.
+ 0x40d75b0e in XQueryPointer () from /usr/X11R6/lib/
+ (gdb) n
+ Single stepping until exit from function XQueryPointer,
+ which has no line number information.
+ 0x40cb7b69 in TSXQueryPointer () from /usr/local/lib/
+ (gdb) n
+ Single stepping until exit from function TSXQueryPointer,
+ which has no line number information.
+ 0x40c6ca5f in X11DRV_GetCursorPos () from /usr/local/lib/wine/
+ (gdb) n
+ Single stepping until exit from function X11DRV_GetCursorPos,
+ which has no line number information.
+ 0x406cbb19 in GetCursorPos () from /usr/local/lib/wine/
+ (gdb) n
+ Single stepping until exit from function GetCursorPos,
+ which has no line number information.
+ here the cpu gets 100% used and the function dont returns
+ Sometimes i get another backtrace when i detach and try again:
+ (gdb) bt
+ #0 0x402f5964 in __libc_read () from /lib/i686/
+ #1 0x400fbc1c in __DTOR_END__ () from /usr/local/lib/
+ #2 0x008d59db in ?? ()
+ #3 0x0075b17a in ?? ()
+ #4 0x0075abb8 in ?? ()
+ #5 0x0075987b in ?? ()
+ #6 0x00759b86 in ?? ()
+ #7 0x406ea87f in WINPROC_wrapper () from /usr/local/lib/wine/
+ #8 0x406ea921 in WINPROC_CallWndProc () from /usr/local/lib/wine/
+ (gdb) n
+ Single stepping until exit from function __libc_read,
+ which has no line number information.
+ 0x400c97b4 in read_reply_data () from /usr/local/lib/
+ Current language: auto; currently asm
+ (gdb) n
+ Single stepping until exit from function read_reply_data,
+ which has no line number information.
+ 0x400c9833 in wine_server_call () from /usr/local/lib/
+ (gdb) n
+ Single stepping until exit from function wine_server_call,
+ which has no line number information.
+ 0x406da076 in GetInputState () from /usr/local/lib/wine/
+ (gdb) n
+ Single stepping until exit from function GetInputState,
+ which has no line number information.
+ One more thing:
+ Rick, i tried running wine --debugmsg +scroll,+event,+toolbar,+gdi,+heap
+ flash.exe as you pointed, but it didn't worked for my case, the bug still shows.
+ And, can you please try to run your app with strace wine yourapp.exe and trigger
+ the bug? If you do, you get a read error like mine? Don't know if it's important
+ but it seems to me it's related.
\ No newline at end of file
*** shadow/475 Fri Apr 5 11:37:04 2002
--- shadow/475.tmp.18830 Fri Apr 5 12:56:30 2002
*** 38,40 ****
--- 38,45 ----
I basically added the bug to remind the team that we probably want to have some
functionality in this area; certainly without it our software will be awkward
to use since the default change of active window is not what we desire.
+ ------- Additional Comments From tony_lambregts(a) 2002-04-05 12:56 -------
+ This bug is a blocker of either the Tasklist(<a href="show_bug.cgi?id=395">bug
+ 395</a>)or the Fixme's (<a href="show_bug.cgi?id=455">bug 455</a>) I'm inclined
+ to think it belongs with the tasklist bug.