Summary: Unimplemented function ntoskrnl.exe.KeInitializeMutex
Product: Wine
Version: 1.1.13
Platform: PC-x86-64
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: ntoskrnl
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: mc2374(a)
Created an attachment (id=19133)
--> (
Console output from the aborted installation
Trying to install Acronis True Image Home 11.
After some 'err' and 'fixme' (mostly in the msi component), the installation
process halts with the above console message and throws an unhandled exception.
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Summary: Acronis Crash while install
Product: Wine
Version: 1.1.8
Platform: Other
OS/Version: other
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: james2432(a)
Created an attachment (id=17266)
--> (
Backtrace of acronis 12 crashing
While running the acronis home 12 the installer crashes
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Summary: NBC Direct installer requires installation of Windows
Installer 3.1 redist
Product: Wine
Version: 1.1.11
Platform: PC
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Keywords: dotnet, download, Installer
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: austinenglish(a)
CC: focht(a), yolande(a)
Created an attachment (id=18188)
--> (
terminal output in git
Continuing from bug 12477, NBC installer doesn't yet work. Prereq's:
$ rm -rf ~/.wine
$ winetricks -q wmp10 dotnet20 mdac28
$ wine NBCDirectInstaller.exe
Fails with an error box:
SetupManager Error
'Failed to update Select Dialog resources from an external resource file.
Please verify that the SetupManagerResource.resx files resides beside
executable and is valid. Error details: No access to memory location
Anastasius suggested to file the bug, saying it probably affects more dotnet
Terminal output attached.
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Summary: QueryPathOfRegTypeLib fails to locate typelib when
(major.minor) = (0xffff.0xffff)
Product: Wine
Version: 1.1.18
Platform: Other
OS/Version: other
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: oleaut32
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: focht(a)
oleauto32.QueryPathOfRegTypeLib() doesn't work correctly when (major.minor) =
These parameters are passed by .NET Framework/CLR when regasm.exe utility is
used to export and register typelibs from .NET assemblies.
E.g. something like this:
--- snip ---
$ wine regasm.exe foo.dll /codebase /tlb
--- snip ---
--- snip ---
({00020430-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}, ffff.ffff, 0x0, 0x32d634)
0021:trace:reg:NtOpenKey <- 0x22c
0021:trace:ole:find_typelib_key found
L"Typelib\\{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}": 1.0
0021:trace:ole:find_typelib_key found
L"Typelib\\{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}": 2.0
0021:trace:ole:GetErrorInfo (0, 0x32cb70, (nil))
0021:trace:ole:CreateErrorInfo (0x32aab8)
0021:trace:ole:IErrorInfoImpl_QueryInterface (0x1d4110)->(
IID: {22f03340-547d-101b-8e65-08002b2bd119},0x32aab8)
0021:trace:ole:ICreateErrorInfoImpl_AddRef (0x1d4110)
0021:trace:ole:IErrorInfoImpl_AddRef (0x1d4110)->(count=1)
0021:trace:ole:IErrorInfoImpl_QueryInterface -- Interface:
0021:trace:ole:IErrorInfoImpl_Release (0x1d4110)->(count=2)
0021:trace:ole:ICreateErrorInfoImpl_SetDescription (0x1d4110): L"Type library
exporter encountered an error while processing 'SlingSDK'. Error: Common
Language Runtime Internal error: 0x8002801d"
0021:trace:ole:ICreateErrorInfoImpl_SetHelpFile (0x1d4110,L"complib.hlp")
0021:trace:ole:ICreateErrorInfoImpl_SetHelpContext (0x1d4110,4451)
0021:trace:ole:ICreateErrorInfoImpl_QueryInterface (0x1d4110)
0021:trace:ole:IErrorInfoImpl_QueryInterface (0x1d4110)->(
IID: {1cf2b120-547d-101b-8e65-08002b2bd119},0x32aab4)
0021:trace:ole:IErrorInfoImpl_AddRef (0x1d4110)->(count=1)
0021:trace:ole:IErrorInfoImpl_QueryInterface -- Interface:
0021:trace:ole:SetErrorInfo (0, 0x1d4110)
0021:trace:ole:IErrorInfoImpl_AddRef (0x1d4110)->(count=2)
0021:trace:ole:ICreateErrorInfoImpl_Release (0x1d4110)
0021:trace:ole:IErrorInfoImpl_Release (0x1d4110)->(count=3)
0021:trace:ole:IErrorInfoImpl_Release (0x1d4110)->(count=2)
0021:trace:ole:GetErrorInfo (0, 0x32cb3c, 0x1d4110)
0021:trace:ole:IErrorInfoImpl_GetSource (0x1d4110)->(pBstrSource=0x1d4298)
0021:trace:ole:IErrorInfoImpl_GetHelpFile (0x1d4110)->(pBstrHelpFile=0x1d429c)
0021:trace:ole:IErrorInfoImpl_GetGUID (0x1d4110)->(count=1)
0021:trace:ole:IErrorInfoImpl_Release (0x1d4110)->(count=1)
0021:trace:ole:IErrorInfoImpl_Release -- destroying IErrorInfo(0x1d4110)
0021:trace:seh:raise_exception code=e06d7363 flags=1 addr=0x7b8437e8
ip=0x7b84386b tid=0021
0021:trace:seh:raise_exception info[0]=19930520
0021:trace:seh:raise_exception info[1]=0032cb1c
0021:trace:seh:raise_exception info[2]=7a35d570
0021:trace:seh:raise_exception eax=7b82ca2d ebx=7b8c2bf8 ecx=00000000
edx=00004000 esi=00004000 edi=00000000
0021:trace:seh:raise_exception ebp=0032ca98 esp=0032ca34 cs=0023 ds=002b
es=002b fs=0063 gs=006b
--- snip ---
MSDN doesn't mention such condition so this obviously needs some test case to
find out what logic is used to select the best match (first? last? lowest?
dll/oleaut32/typelib.c:find_typelib_key() needs to be fixed accordingly.
"wMaj" needs to be made an "out" parameter too to actually return best matching
maj.min pair
With this part fixed it goes further - only to stumble into next bug ;-)
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Summary: Making Microsoft .NET 2.0 to work in wine, based on
example app FastMD5 1.4 for NET 2.0
Product: Wine
Version: CVS/GIT
Platform: PC
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: wine-dotnet
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: focht(a)
this bug id exists for the sole purpose of showing my little journey of getting
.NET 2.0 to work in wine.
This topic does *NOT* cover the MONO project in any way.
The windows version of MONO is covered by other bug reports.
DISCLAIMER: This is just a first step which aims at major show stoppers.
There are *many* issues left when it comes to managed (JIT) vs. unmanaged
(native) API code bridging.
To iron out all the bugs, many different applications are needed which cover
the whole range of .NET Framework.
I randomly chose a simple .NET 2.0 app which uses plain
stuff (no fancy controls/interop).
--- snip ---
FASTMD5 create very fast with low CPU use a MD5 hash. Required .NET 1.1 or 2.0
--- snip ---
Just as foreword: yes, it plain sucks to debug mixed code in wine (managed +
unmanaged) because the tools required don't work reliable (or at all) due to
several wine bugs/design problems.
Prerequisite: successful installation of .NET 2.0 Framework and wine-0.9.49 (or
If you start .NET apps they will fail with stack overflows and some exceptions
The exception type tells us what we are dealing with: 0xe0434f4d
For the uninitiated: this an exception type exclusively thrown by .NET common
language runtime (CLR).
Using my specially hacked wine to run tools like windbg one can get a raw
estimate by looking at native method callstack:
--- snip ---
0:000> sxe clr
0:000> .load clr20\sos.dll
0:000> g
0:000> kb
ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.
0034efb8 79f97065 e0434f4d 00000001 00000001 KERNEL32!RaiseException+0x78
0034f018 7a0945a4 00a11cb4 00000000 00000000
0034f0dc 02fa364b 00000000 0000007f 0034f138 mscorwks!JIT_Throw+0xd0
0034f1d8 79e88f63 00000000 0012e0f8 0034f22c 0x2fa364b
0034f1f8 79e88f63 00000000 00000000 0016b200 mscorwks!CallDescrWorker+0x33
0034f210 79e88ee4 0034f2e8 00000002 0034f2b0 mscorwks!CallDescrWorker+0x33
--- snip ---
JIT code is at 0x2fa364b which transfers managed exceptions using
mscorwks!JIT_Throw() to native code/OS.
Lets look at CLR exception info...
--- snip ---
0:000> !PrintException
Exception object: 00a11cb4
Exception type: System.TypeInitializationException
Message: The type initializer for 'System.Globalization.TextInfo' threw an
InnerException: <none>
StackTrace (generated):
StackTraceString: <none>
HResult: 80131534
--- snip ---
And the managed code callstack...
--- snip ---
0:000> !ClrStack
OS Thread Id: 0xf (0)
0034f040 7b8414d8 [HelperMethodFrame: 0034f040]
0034f0e4 02fa364b System.Globalization.TextInfo.GetNativeTextInfo(Int32)
0034f114 02fa3511 System.Globalization.TextInfo.get_InvariantNativeTextInfo()
0034f140 02fa193d System.String.Compare(System.String, Int32, System.String,
Int32, Int32, System.StringComparison)
0034f16c 02fa15a1
0034f184 02fa10b0 System.AppDomainSetup.NormalizePath(System.String, Boolean)
0034f1a4 02fa06d6
0034f1bc 02fa02cc System.AppDomain.SetupFusionStore(System.AppDomainSetup)
0034f1d4 02fa01fa System.AppDomain.SetupDomain(Boolean, System.String,
0034f42c 79e88f63 [GCFrame: 0034f42c]
0034f9e0 79e88f63 [DebuggerClassInitMarkFrame: 0034f9e0]
--- snip ---
Some native method call in GetNativeTextInfo() seems to be the culprit.
For many (string) resource based stuff to work, a unicode OS casing table is
The table for the invariant version is built from external .NLS file.
To make story short: wine does not ship the default case mapping table for
unicode characters: "l_intl.nls".
This is a "must" requirement and failure results in early
TypeInitializationException while setting up default application domain.
Short fix: copy the file from your windows system32 directory to wine system32.
Long run fix: let wine generate/install this file. Not a big deal.
Now simple .NET _console_ based apps (like "Hello World") will work.
Stay tuned, more goodies to come ...
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Summary: Company of Heroes Opposing Fronts: Installer fails
Product: Wine
Version: 1.1.5
Platform: PC-x86-64
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: xvachon(a)
Created an attachment (id=16303)
--> (
Installation of the game is not possible. Exception EAccessViolation error in
module GameInst.exe happens. According to test data the game had to be
installed from a Windows installation in order to be played. A log is attached.
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Summary: .NET Framework 1.1 installer requires loadperf.dll in
case of AeDebug -> Auto=0 (unhandled exception dialog)
Product: Wine
Version: CVS/GIT
Platform: All
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: -unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: focht(a)
Created an attachment (id=11486)
--> (
example patch to add loadperf.dll and simple UnloadPerfCounterTextStringsW stub
preventing .NET 1.1 installer exception
VS.NET 7.x installers modify AeDebug which results in error message box from
.NET Framework 1.1 installer due to an unhandled exception.
With default AeDebug Auto=1 and standalone .NET 1.1 installation you won't
notice it because this exception doesn't affect overall "success" result of
You can capture output from console to see winedbg actually spawned.
VS.NET 7.x installers add/modify the following JIT debugging keys:
--- snip ---
Auto: 1 -> 0
Default: cordbg.exe !a 0x%x8
--- snip ---
Extract from .msi file:
--- snip ---
_FldbVs7eve_RegFile_887_00017.3643236F_FC70_11D3_A536_0090278A1BB8 2
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug Auto 0
--- snip ---
You can simulate the behaviour on clean ~/.wine if you manually set
AeDebug/Auto=0 (default is 1) and then execute the standalone .NET 1.1
--- snip ---
002d:Call KERNEL32.lstrlenA(0034f55c "2008-03-17
21:20:25\t\tStarting\tUninstalling performance counters\r\n") ret=79e88b92
002d:Call KERNEL32.LoadLibraryA(79e61310 "loadperf.dll") ret=79e907ed
002d:Ret KERNEL32.LoadLibraryA() retval=00000000 ret=79e907ed
002d:Call KERNEL32.GetLastError() ret=79e907f9
002d:Ret KERNEL32.GetLastError() retval=0000007e ret=79e907f9
002d:Call KERNEL32.RaiseException(c06d007e,00000000,00000001,0034f960)
002d:trace:seh:raise_exception code=c06d007e flags=0 addr=0x7b8419a0
002d:trace:seh:raise_exception info[0]=0034f910
002d:trace:seh:raise_exception eax=7b82c3e9 ebx=7b8af3e4 ecx=00000000
edx=0034f904 esi=0034f904 edi=0034f880
002d:trace:seh:raise_exception ebp=0034f868 esp=0034f804 cs=0073 ds=007b
es=007b fs=0033 gs=003b flags=00200212
002d:trace:seh:call_stack_handlers calling handler at 0x402518 code=c06d007e
002d:Call KERNEL32.UnhandledExceptionFilter(0034f350) ret=7c34c456
wine: Unhandled exception 0xc06d007e at address 0x7b8419a0 (thread 002d),
starting debugger...
002d:Call user32.MessageBoxA(00000000,0034efd8 "Unhandled exception 0xc06d007e
at address 0x7b8419a0.\nDo you wish to debug it?",7b8a3e47 "Exception
raised",00000014) ret=7b841deb
--- snip ---
The message box is shown with the option to dismiss the exception or to debug
This can be pretty confusing to users who have no knowledge how to deal with
Well, actually this exception should never occur.
Wine can prevent this problem by providing a simple loadperf.dll and
UnloadPerfCounterTextStringsW stub.
Output after patch:
--- snip ---
0041:Ret KERNEL32.LoadLibraryA() retval=607d0000 ret=79e907ed
0041:Call KERNEL32.InterlockedExchange(79e96fa8,607d0000) ret=79e9083e
0041:Ret KERNEL32.InterlockedExchange() retval=00000000 ret=79e9083e
0041:Call KERNEL32.GetProcAddress(607d0000,79e919b4
"UnloadPerfCounterTextStringsW") ret=79e908c4
0041:Ret KERNEL32.GetProcAddress() retval=607d8808 ret=79e908c4
0041:Call loadperf.UnloadPerfCounterTextStringsW(0034f9d0 L"u
\"ASP.NET_1.1.4322\"",00000001) ret=79e86e64
0041:fixme:loadperf:UnloadPerfCounterTextStringsW (L"u \"ASP.NET_1.1.4322\"",
1): stub!
0041:Ret loadperf.UnloadPerfCounterTextStringsW() retval=00000000 ret=79e86e64
--- snip ---
Please add this dll and the UnloadPerfCounterTextStringsW stub.
The attached patch is provided as example to quickly validate the problem
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Summary: File Maker 10 Advanced installs fine but does not
start in Debian 5 wine version 1.01
Product: WineHQ Bugzilla
Version: unspecified
Platform: PC
OS/Version: Linux
Severity: critical
Priority: P2
Component: bugzilla-unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: ialsahili(a)
Here is the message that appears when I try to run the program in terminal:
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