Bug ID: 47853
Summary: Allow testing in any locale on Wine VMs
Product: Wine-Testbot
Version: unspecified
Hardware: x86
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: fgouget(a)
Distribution: ---
Because Wine VMs run Unix, running a test in a locale is a simple matter of
setting $LANG (*), creating a new WinePrefix for good measure, and running the
test normally.
This does assume that the relevant locales have been configured before hand
which is an easy one-time task when setting up the VM.
Wine VMs already have a list of missions they perform for wine-devel patches
from which we can derive a list of locales to offer on the 'Submit job' page
(see bug 47852). But we would not want to run every patch through every
possible locale as this would take too much time (there are dozens of locales).
But extra locales could be included in the 'Submit job' page to allow debugging
of these locales.
(*) And $LC_ALL too???
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Bug ID: 48651
Summary: Fix handling of child test processes
Product: Wine-Testbot
Version: unspecified
Hardware: x86
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: fgouget(a)
Distribution: ---
Wine's test.h provides a winetest_wait_child_process() function to wait for
child processes. But when an error happens it issues some messages which the
TestBot does not recognize.
* If waiting for the child process fails the error message does not look like a
'Test failed' error message which it should to simplify things.
* But winetest_wait_child_process() does not know on which line it was called
so calling winetest_ok() would not provide the right line number.
* The failure to wait for the child process should also distinguish between
CreateProcess() errors (usually those are already reported by the caller),
timeouts and other errors.
* The Testbot does not recognize the 'child process crashed' message. This
causes it to find mismatches between the number of 'Test failed' messages and
the final summary.
* The TestBot also does not recognize the 'failures in child process' summary
line but that probably does not matter.
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Bug ID: 48671
Summary: Some patches may require forcing a wineprefix update
Product: Wine-Testbot
Version: unspecified
Hardware: x86
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: fgouget(a)
Distribution: ---
The TestBot updates the wineprefixes when it updates its base Wine source from
the daily Wine commits. The rest of the time it lets Wine deal with updating
the wineprefix is necessary. Furthermore Wine only updates the wineprefix when
wine.inf changes, which is the case for every Wine release.
The problem is that the wineprefix should also be updated when a patchset adds
a WINE_REGISTRY resource to an existing dll. Failing to do so may cause the
patchset tests to fail because the wineprefix is out of date.
WinePrefix updates are relatively slow compared to the execution time of most
tests (about 30s vs. < 1s) so it would be good not to have to do that for every
task. An alternative would be to force a wineprefix update when a task has
failures and gets rerun as a result (pass an option to the relevant VM-side
Note: Shared Gecko and Mono install issues should be discussed on bug 48354.
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Bug ID: 48092
Summary: On cw-rx460 the win32 WineTest run gets interrupted
before it completes
Product: Wine-Testbot
Version: unspecified
Hardware: x86
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: fgouget(a)
Distribution: ---
cw-rx460 runs wt-daily (*), just like cw-gtx560. But when running the plain 32
bit tests on cw-rx460 (cw-gtx560-t32), wt-daily ends up submitting the test
results before WineTest.exe has completed, resulting in many rejections by (
WineTest appears to be interrupted most often during kernel32:loader, but
sometimes it's during kernel32:debugger or ieframe:ie. And once in a while the
test completes, though that's pretty rare.
Maybe a test crashes the X server, causing winetest.exe to exit prematurely.
wt-daily is started by cron so it does not depend on the X server and would
start a second winetest command to send the (incomplete) test results.
Then it would start the wow32 and wow64 tests and by that time it's possible
the X server would have restarted. Interestingly wow32 and wow64 don't seem to
cause the X server to crash.
cw-rx460 is not a TestBot VM so this does not impact the TestBot results. But
it could impact the results the few times where WineTest
completes (though when it does it only gets ~10 failures which is half what the
other Wine machines get).
So I have disabled the 32 bit WineTest runs until this is resolved.
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Bug ID: 48090
Summary: Add support for .com programs
Product: Wine-Testbot
Version: unspecified
Hardware: x86
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: fgouget(a)
Distribution: ---
The TestBot assumes that if a patch touches a directory in programs, then it
must append .exe to the program's name.
But Wine could also get .com programs, see for instance
And in fact we already have other programs with non-standard extensions, for
instance winhelp.exe16 and winoldap.mod16.
So if the program's directory already has an extension the TestBot should not
add one. Another option would be to use the MODULE setting in the directory's file. But the TestBot server does not have access to the Wine
source. It would also make it harder to deal with patches adding test
directories and it would be quite ugly to have to read them every time anyway.
It would make it harder to deal with patches adding dlls/programs as it would
require parsing the patch to retrieve the MODULE value.
Another option may be to never add an extension, though then there's the risk
of getting collisions between the dll and program names, and maybe it impacts
other parts of the TestBot anyway.
_CreateTestInfo() in testbot/lib/WineTestBot/ needs to be patched
but there are impacts elsewhere. The WTBS (Wine TestBot test Suite) will also
need to be updated.
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Bug ID: 48653
Summary: Automate checking the WTBS jobs
Product: Wine-Testbot
Version: unspecified
Hardware: x86
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: fgouget(a)
Distribution: ---
The Wine TestBot test Suite (WTBS) is a set of Wine patches that can be used to
check how the TestBot handles test failures, timeouts, patch series, non-Wine
patches, etc:
The patches can either be used in isolation to test a specific aspect, or all
together using formail to do a broad check for TestBot regressions. However as
the test suite has become more complete the number of patches has grown and now
tops 90. So a full check for regressions means checking the results of about 90
TestBot jobs for missing test failures, incorrect report validation messages,
etc. This makes it pretty time consuming.
So the goal is to automate at least the most basic checks.
To do so the plan is to add lines of the form '' to the commit
messages of the WTBS patches. Each will define a property that should be
checked in the TestBot job and tasks.
Then a TestBot script can be run to go through every job, ignore the queued and
running ones and those have have no associated patch. For the others read the
associated patch and look for the lines. Note that for patch series,
only the last set of WTBS values should be taken into account (i.e. the ones
after the "Last patchset part" line).
Here is a sample of the possible properties to check:
* WTB.Job.Remarks
The job 'title' which is derived from the patch subject line.
* WTBS.Job.Status
Whether to expect badpatch, completed, etc.
For tasks the property names would be prefixed with the VM type: build, win
(for win32 and win64), wine. This allows specifying different results for each.
Same as Job.Status but at the task level.
The number of test failures expected from the result.
Note that if the Wine Test Unit is buggy we may get more test failures than
expected. This is particularly an issue with Wine VMs if their mission include
test=module or test=all.
So it may make sense to specify but leave out Or maybe have a MinFailures property. Or grep the failures
whose message contains 'WTBS' and only compare those to this property.
The number of new test failures as reported by LoadLogErrors() for each of
the task's report.
In a number of cases what we're interested in is the report validation errors
produced by the TestBot. Just checking the number of such errors may not be
that useful. What we may want is a way to check that it reported missing
failures messages, or too much data being printed, etc. This requires being
able to specify a set of errors that are expected to be present for which this
basic property system is not very well suited.
For each VM, collect the Step's FileName and the Task's CmdLineArg values to
determine the test unit being run, and verify that this is a superset of the
TestUnits list. This can be used to ensure that the TestBot ran the right set
of tests (and avoids failures when a new test is added to Wine).
Note that doing the same thing for Wine VMs is harder because those can have
test=module in their mission(s), which changes greatly the list of tests being
It may make sense to provide default values for some properties to not have to
type too much in the commit messages. For instance for the Status properties
one may expect the status to be 'completed'. But given the WTBS tests error
cases a lot that may not be all that useful.
Similarly it may be useful to be able to specify something like
'WTBS.all.Status' to specify the expected Status for the build, win and wine
VMs all at once. But again this may be overkill.
Finally the general rule should be that unspecified properties are not checked.
So if '' is not specified, then the failure count of Wine VMs
should not be checked.
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Bug ID: 48654
Summary: Automate checking the WTBS patches
Product: Wine-Testbot
Version: unspecified
Hardware: x86
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: fgouget(a)
Distribution: ---
See bug 48653 for a description of the WTBS and how to check the jobs created
when running it on the TestBot.
Some patches in the WTBS are not meant to create TestBot jobs but rather to
verify that it ignores non-Wine patches, or patches that don't impact the tests
or the Wine build, etc.
Those still create entries in the 'wine-devel' page, that is in the TestBot's
Patches table. Each entry gets the patch subject and a disposition property
indicating what the TestBot did with the patch. Unfortunately non-Wine patches
are not kept around so there is no way to get at the WTBS fields for those. So
a TestWTBS.patches script would need to get the WTBS properties from another
For instance it could be given the path to the WTBS mbox and get the properties
from there. It would not need to understand all the intricacies of the mbox
format (though with the appropriate Perl module it may be easy to parse). As a
last resort, all we would care about is:
* The 'From' lines to delimit emails.
* The 'Subject:' lines to match the mbox emails with Patches entries.
* The WTBS properties in the commit message following the Subject line.
Checking the patch objects would require an extra property:
* WTBS.Patch.Disposition
This should be set to the expected patch disposition such as 'No patch
found', 'Not a Wine patch', etc. A default disposition could be set if a
'WTBS.Job.*' or other task property is specified.
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Bug ID: 48655
Summary: Automate checking the WTBS emails
Product: Wine-Testbot
Version: unspecified
Hardware: x86
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: fgouget(a)
Distribution: ---
See bug 48653 for a description of the WTBS and how to check the jobs created
when running it on the TestBot.
When a 'wine-devel' job completes the TestBot sends one or two emails.
* One of the emails simply sends the task reports to the patch author.
* The other is only sent if a task generated new errors.
The point of the TestWTBS.emails script would be to check that:
1. The TestBot sent the task report email for every Wine patch and not for any
patch email. This would be based off of the WTBS.Patch.Disposition field.
2. The TestBot sent a 'found new errors' email only when new errors are
expected. This would be based off of the 'WTBS.*.NewFailures' property or the
expected errors list.
However for both these checks the script would need access to the emails sent
by the TestBot. The simplest option would be for the tester to set the
WinePatchToOverride property and save the emails to a separate mbox and give
the patch to that mbox to the script.
As in the TestWTBS.patches case, the script would only care about a few lines:
* The 'From' lines to delimit the emails.
* The 'Subject' lines to match them to TestBot jobs and thus to the set of WTBS
Note that this would not rely on the 'TestBot job xxx results:' part since
the new failures email are lacking it. Instead it would match the rest of the
subject to the job's Remarks field.
* The 'I think I found new failures' line to identify emails reporting new
The script could later be expanded to check the content of the email or
attachments more in details if needed.
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Bug #: 32216
Summary: WienTestBot should skip some tests on some platforms
Product: Wine-Testbot
Version: unspecified
Platform: x86
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: unknown
AssignedTo: wine-bugs(a)
ReportedBy: fgouget(a)
Classification: Unclassified
An example is the ieframe:webbrowser tests which it should skip on NT4 and
Windows 2000 platforms. WineTest.exe is said to already have the necessary code
somewhere, it's just missing from TestLauncher.
See this wine-devel thread for more details:
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Bug ID: 50719
Summary: The TestBot mishandles renames
Product: Wine-Testbot
Version: unspecified
Hardware: x86-64
OS: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: normal
Priority: P2
Component: unknown
Assignee: wine-bugs(a)
Reporter: fgouget(a)
Distribution: ---
The TestBot analyses patches to determine whether they are Wine patches and
which tests are impacted and must be rerun.
But when a patch renames a test unit it still schedules a run for the renamed
test unit. For instance if apphelp:apphelp is renamed to apphelp:renamed, the
TestBot still schedules a run of apphelp:apphelp (in addition to the
apphelp:renamed one).
This means it does not keep track of Wine's current files list correctly, which
also impacts identifying whether a patch is a Wine patch or not, particularly
for patch series.
This can be tested with the following wtbsuite tests:
WTBS Check combined renaming and modifying a file (apphelp:apphelp).
[2/2] WTBS S10.2 - ...before renaming it in the next part (amstream:amstream).
[7/7] WTBS S5.7 - Check for rename+addition+removal conflicts (msi:suminfo).
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