--- Comment #28 from Paul "TBBle" Hampson 2010-07-19 07:36:55 --- Looking at the list of fonts to replace from comment 9: MS UI Gothic: Sans-Serif Style (Gothic or Hei Ti) MS Serif: Serif Style SimSun: Ming/Song/Mincho Style (Serif) NSimSun: Ming/Song/Mincho Style (Serif) Gulim: Sans-Serif Style Batang: Serif Style PMingLiU: Ming/Song/Mincho Style (Serif) MingLiU: Ming/Song/Mincho Style (Serif)
Your fonts from comment 27: Chinese: WenQuanYi Micro Hei (ttf-wqy-microhei) Japanese: Takao PGothic (ttf-takao-pgothic) Korean: UnDotum (ttf-unfonts-core)
All three of your fonts are Sans-Serif.
So what you're missing here is a Serif'd Korean font. I'm also not sure what to offer in place of MS Serif. (It's not East-Asian, but it's looked for by the MS Shell Dlg font lookup code, if I recall correctly.)
There's also a mismatch in the Chinese fonts, but while researching this, I noticed that Wikipedia reports that Vista onwards has moved from Ming/Song/Mincho style to Sans-Serif style for Chinese interface. It might be worth it for Wine to replace its font substitution references to MingLiU and SimSun with Microsoft JhengHei and Microsoft YaHei respectively.
Other than than, you might get away with the following in wine.inf.
HKCU,Software\Wine\Fonts\Replacements,"MS UI Gothic",,"Takao PGothic" HKCU,Software\Wine\Fonts\Replacements,"SimSun",,"WenQuanYi Micro Hei" HKCU,Software\Wine\Fonts\Replacements,"NSimSun",,"WenQuanYi Micro Hei" HKCU,Software\Wine\Fonts\Replacements,"PMingLiU",,"WenQuanYi Micro Hei" HKCU,Software\Wine\Fonts\Replacements,"MingLiU",,"WenQuanYi Micro Hei" HKCU,Software\Wine\Fonts\Replacements,"Gulim",,"UnDotum"
Try this and see how it looks... HKCU,Software\Wine\Fonts\Replacements,"Batang",,"UnDotum"
No promises as to the proportions being correct, none of your fonts _appear_ to be designed to be metric-compatible... I don't know anything about UnDotum though. I presume it's supposed to be metric-compatible with Dotum though.
Also, note that the only reason we'd get away with both SimSun ̣(Simplified) and MingLiU (Traditional) pointing to the same font is that we're always Unicode underneath, and the two character sets have distinct Unicode code points, assuming this font contains both sets of glyphs. Or at least I hope it works out that way, I'd be sure this gets put in front of Chinese-reading users who won't be offended if it's wrong before pushing it out to the world. ^_^
Now I've written all that up, it's interesting that Korean uses both a Serif and Sans-Serif font in this set. I wonder if Batang is really needed... Particularly as MS Mincho (the Mincho partner to MS Gothic family) isn't here.