--- Comment #11 from Paul "TBBle" Hampson 2009-05-10 04:01:42 --- (In reply to comment #10)
Setting up font replacements is trivial as long as you know what font to replace with what.
The problem is with font links as these are not so transparent and depend on the font file name, not only its apparent name.
Good. The other day I submitted a patch to undertake the latter automatically, so with only the former needing to be done by packagers (the trivial part) it all works nicely out of the box.
And if you drop in the real MS UI Gothic, Simsum etc, they just magically work as well.
No feedback on the patch yet, and I don't consider it to close this bug since it doesn't change the fact that Wine doesn't _include_ MS-metric-compatible CJK fonts, although unlike Tahoma, there are free metric-compatible fonts floating around (or at least there are for Japanese) so this bug drops a lot in priority.
If this is a packaging problem I would like to point out that there are WineHQ packages that happily depend on MS fonts but these CJK fonts do not work in them out of the box.
That should be fixed by the above patch. If they depend on the MS fonts, then with the above patch the correct FontLinks (modulo errors in my choice of default FontLink lists) will be autocreated.