--- Comment #11 from Fabian Maurer --- Ok, I got it to work. using wine-staging-3.14. 1) Deleted .wine 2) WINEARCH=win32 winetricks -q vcrun2015 vcrun2013 d3dx11_43 d3dcompiler_43 win7 3) wine ULInstaller.exe 4) Start game, get to the error screen, close program 5) Delete "drive_c/users/fabian/AppData/LocalLow/Unity/WebPlayer" and replace it with "drive_c/users/fabian/Application Data/FusionFall Universe/Games/Retro/WebPlayer" 6) Game starts up now
It wasn't properly installing the webplayer, now to investigate why. But first, can you confirm the workaround makes the game work?