ChangeSet ID: 1017694611824004981973307
CVSROOT: /opt/cvs-commit
Module name: wine
Changes by: julliard(a) 02/04/01 14:56:51
Modified files:
tools : wineinstall
Log message:
Chris Morgan <cmorgan(a)>
Prevent the user from running wineinstall as root, add script commands
so we 'su root' for installing and other commands that require root
access. Fix modification time comparison of wrong file. Added
missing sed line. Always 'make' before we run make install so no build
files become owned by root.
Revision Changes Path
1.26 +131 -86 wine/tools/wineinstall
ChangeSet ID: 10176945750837908543917401
CVSROOT: /opt/cvs-commit
Module name: wine
Changes by: julliard(a) 02/04/01 14:56:15
Modified files:
dlls/winedos : dosvm.c
Log message:
Jukka Heinonen <jhei(a)>
Routine DOSVM_Wait now wakes up if new events are queued and it
returns if it processed any queued events.
Revision Changes Path
1.15 +15 -4 wine/dlls/winedos/dosvm.c