ChangeSet ID: 1021594175664847181019471
CVSROOT: /opt/cvs-commit
Module name: wine
Changes by: julliard(a) 02/05/16 19:09:35
Modified files:
dlls/winedos : vga.c
Log message:
Christian Costa <titan.costa(a)>
Do not create a window each time VGA_DoSetMode is called. The window
is created the first time and then just resized.
Revision Changes Path
1.12 +15 -6 wine/dlls/winedos/vga.c
ChangeSet ID: 1021580874760716432080702
CVSROOT: /opt/cvs-commit
Module name: wine
Changes by: julliard(a) 02/05/16 15:27:54
Modified files:
dlls/winedos : int10.c
Log message:
Christian Costa <titan.costa(a)>
Handle properly the requested video mode in Int10h SET VIDEO MODE
function by managing the bit 7 of AL.
Revision Changes Path
1.11 +10 -0 wine/dlls/winedos/int10.c