ChangeSet ID: 11668
CVSROOT: /opt/cvs-commit
Module name: wine
Changes by: julliard(a) 2004/03/24 17:37:56
Modified files:
dlls/dinput : joystick_linuxinput.c
Log message:
Christoph Frick <frick(a)>
- Added missing break statement.
- Changed the mapping of the axis to a simpler formula, that ignores
the middle of an axis.
- Min/max values where initalized switched.
- Added the missing button and axis events that are registered earlier
in the code but never made it to the application.
- Added a little more descriptive comment about the deadzone.
Old revision New revision Changes Path
1.1 1.2 +70 -10 wine/dlls/dinput/joystick_linuxinput.c
ChangeSet ID: 11665
CVSROOT: /opt/cvs-commit
Module name: tools
Changes by: jnewman(a) 2004/03/24 16:56:10
Modified files:
. : README wine_release
Added files:
. : winapi_stats.php
Log message:
Ofir Petruska <hatky(a)>
clean up and layout tweaks by Jeremy Newman <jnewman(a)>
Load the output created from winapi_extract and make a stats table out of it
Old revision New revision Changes Path
1.1 1.2 +3 -0 tools/README
1.7 1.8 +9 -0 tools/wine_release
Added 1.1 +0 -0 tools/winapi_stats.php