ChangeSet ID: 30854
CVSROOT: /opt/cvs-commit
Module name: appdb
Changes by: wineowner(a) 2007/01/04 23:20:05
Modified files:
admin : editAppVersion.php
include : appData.php version.php
tables : appdb_tables.sql
Added files:
include : downloadurl.php
Log message:
Alexander Nicolaysen Sørnes <alex(a)>
Add the ability to add download URLs to application versions. They are
displayed in the version view marked as 'free downloads'. The links will
later be used to allow browsing of downloadable applications.
Old revision New revision Changes Path
1.42 1.43 +4 -0 appdb/admin/editAppVersion.php
1.1 1.2 +19 -0 appdb/include/appData.php
1.91 1.92 +4 -0 appdb/include/version.php
Added 1.1 +0 -0 appdb/include/downloadurl.php
1.27 1.28 +1 -1 appdb/tables/appdb_tables.sql
ChangeSet ID: 30853
CVSROOT: /opt/cvs-commit
Module name: appdb
Changes by: wineowner(a) 2007/01/04 22:59:04
Modified files:
include : filter.php
Log message:
Chris Morgan <cmorgan(a)>
When filtering copy Xinha variables verbatim instead of stripping out html tags
Old revision New revision Changes Path
1.9 1.10 +11 -2 appdb/include/filter.php
Index: appdb/include/filter.php
diff -u -p appdb/include/filter.php:1.9 appdb/include/filter.php:1.10
--- appdb/include/filter.php:1.9 5 Jan 2007 4:59: 4 -0000
+++ appdb/include/filter.php 5 Jan 2007 4:59: 4 -0000
@@ -14,10 +14,19 @@ function filter_gpc()
// Special cases for variables that don't fit our filtering scheme
// don't filter the AppDB session cookie and MAX_FILE_SIZE
// and the DialogX values that xinha uses
- if($aKeys[$i] == "whq_appdb" || ($aKeys[$i] == "MAX_FILE_SIZE") || ($aKeys[$i] == "PHPSESSID")
- || (strpos($aKeys[$i], "Dialog") == 0) || (strpos($aKeys[$i], "pref_") == 0))
+ if(strpos($aKeys[$i], "Dialog") == 0) // Xinha variables
// copy the key over to the clean array
+ // NOTE: we do not strip html tags or trim any Xinha variables
+ // because Xinha is a html editor and removing html tags
+ // would break the ability to use Xinha to create or edit html
+ $aClean[$aKeys[$i]] = $_REQUEST[$aKeys[$i]];
+ continue; // go to the next entry
+ } else if($aKeys[$i] == "whq_appdb" || ($aKeys[$i] == "MAX_FILE_SIZE")
+ || ($aKeys[$i] == "PHPSESSID")
+ || (strpos($aKeys[$i], "pref_") == 0)) // other variables
+ {
+ // copy the key over to the clean array after stripping tags and trimming
$aClean[$aKeys[$i]] = trim(strip_tags($_REQUEST[$aKeys[$i]]));
continue; // go to the next entry