ChangeSet ID: 31162
CVSROOT: /opt/cvs-commit
Module name: appdb
Changes by: wineowner(a) 2007/06/06 21:43:57
Modified files:
include : util.php
Log message:
Chris Morgan <cmorgan(a)>
Programmatically fix up the bugzilla versions list. Sort the versions with the newest version first, limit the
total number of versions to 6 by truncating the array and manually add the 'CVS' entry since we trim this entry
off. This should make it easier for users to figure out which version to pick.
Old revision New revision Changes Path
1.88 1.89 +39 -12 appdb/include/util.php
Index: appdb/include/util.php
diff -u -p appdb/include/util.php:1.88 appdb/include/util.php:1.89
--- appdb/include/util.php:1.88 7 Jun 2007 2:43:57 -0000
+++ appdb/include/util.php 7 Jun 2007 2:43:57 -0000
@@ -164,25 +164,52 @@ function make_bugzilla_version_list($var
$table = BUGZILLA_DB.".versions";
$where = "WHERE product_id=".BUGZILLA_PRODUCT_ID;
- $sQuery = "SELECT value FROM $table $where ORDER BY value";
+ $sQuery = "SELECT value FROM $table $where";
$hResult = query_bugzilladb($sQuery);
if(!$hResult) return;
+ // NOTE: perform some version list pruning
+ // - Reverse the order, we want the newest entries first
+ // and we can't use 'order by' since we have no column
+ // to order by, but the entries should come out in the
+ // order they were added
+ // - Trim the list, we don't want every version of wine ever released
+ // - Add 'CVS' explicitly since we trim it out
+ //
+ // TODO: if we ever get a reasonable way to order the list replace this code
+ // with that
+ $aVersions = array();
+ while(list($value) = mysql_fetch_row($hResult))
+ {
+ // exclude unspecified versions
+ if($value != "unspecified")
+ $aVersions[] = $value;
+ }
+ // now reverse the array order
+ $aVersions = array_reverse($aVersions);
+ // now trim off all but the last X versions
+ $iVersionsToKeep = 6;
+ $aVersions = array_slice($aVersions, 0, $iVersionsToKeep);
+ // explicitly add 'CVS' since we are eliminating that above
+ $aVersions[] = "CVS";
+ /////////////////////////
+ // build the selection array
echo "<select name='$varname'>\n";
echo "<option value=\"\">Choose ...</option>\n";
- while(list($value) = mysql_fetch_row($hResult))
+ foreach($aVersions as $sKey => $sValue)
- if($value == "unspecified")
- {
- // We do not unspecified versions!!!
- } else
- {
- if($value == $cvalue)
- echo "<option value=$value selected>$value\n";
- else
- echo "<option value=$value>$value\n";
- }
+ if($sValue == $cvalue)
+ echo "<option value=$sValue selected>$sValue\n";
+ else
+ echo "<option value=$sValue>$sValue\n";
echo "</select>\n";
ChangeSet ID: 31160
CVSROOT: /opt/cvs-commit
Module name: appdb
Changes by: wineowner(a) 2007/06/06 21:04:16
Modified files:
include : testData.php
Log message:
Chris Morgan <cmorgan(a)>
Add a column to the test data queue to indicate whether a test result is for a application version
that has maintainers. This lets admins defer processing test results to give appliction and version maintiners
a chance to do so.
Old revision New revision Changes Path
1.54 1.55 +7 -0 appdb/include/testData.php
Index: appdb/include/testData.php
diff -u -p appdb/include/testData.php:1.54 appdb/include/testData.php:1.55
--- appdb/include/testData.php:1.54 7 Jun 2007 2: 4:16 -0000
+++ appdb/include/testData.php 7 Jun 2007 2: 4:16 -0000
@@ -897,6 +897,7 @@ class testData{
+ "Has maintainer",
return $aCells;
@@ -911,12 +912,18 @@ class testData{
$oVersion = new version($this->iVersionId);
$oApp = new application($oVersion->iAppId);
$oUser = new user($this->iSubmitterId);
+ //
+ $hMaintainers = maintainer::getMaintainersForAppIdVersionId(null, $this->iVersionId);
+ $bHasMaintainer = (mysql_num_rows($hMaintainers) == 0) ? false : true;
$aCells = array(
+ ($bHasMaintainer ? "YES" : "no"),
if($this->canEdit() or $this->sQueued == "rejected")