ChangeSet ID: 31367
CVSROOT: /opt/cvs-commit
Module name: lostwages
Changes by: jnewman(a) 2007/09/10 12:17:50
Modified files:
wwn : wn20070416_329.xml
Log message:
Francois Gouget <fgouget(a)>
WWN329 <p>-tag fixes.
Old revision New revision Changes Path
1.1 1.2 +2 -2 lostwages/wwn/wn20070416_329.xml
Index: lostwages/wwn/wn20070416_329.xml
diff -u -p lostwages/wwn/wn20070416_329.xml:1.1 lostwages/wwn/wn20070416_329.xml:1.2
--- lostwages/wwn/wn20070416_329.xml:1.1 10 Sep 2007 17:17:50 -0000
+++ lostwages/wwn/wn20070416_329.xml 10 Sep 2007 17:17:50 -0000
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ gave an excellent description of the cha
This is an updated version of the child window patch from Chris Robinson. I
have added some fixes to it which were found by testing it with lots of
<p><u>Windowed OpenGL</u></p><p>
Several options have been discussed over the years for solving the windowed
OpenGL issues. The lazy option was to use pixmaps but you would lose hardware
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ implementations as it doesn't require sp
require the patching of OpenGL calls.
<p><u>OpenGL pixelformats</u></p>
-Next to the windowed OpenGL issues, there's the pixelformat limitation in Wine.
+<p>Next to the windowed OpenGL issues, there's the pixelformat limitation in Wine.
Right now only one pixelformat can be used. Most programs use ChoosePixelFormat
using which you can request a pixelformat but the call isn't guaranteed to give
you back what you want. For this reason most programs aren't very critical.