Module: wine
Branch: master
Commit: a38e5a95efb28757de812b68359c23a9125d1310
Author: Roderick Colenbrander <thunderbird2k(a)>
Date: Sun Apr 27 17:42:48 2008 +0000
wined3d: Let WineD3D_ChoosePixelFormat operate on the pixel format database we store at WineD3D startup.
dlls/wined3d/context.c | 111 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
1 files changed, 69 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dlls/wined3d/context.c b/dlls/wined3d/context.c
index 79ea74c..901a36c 100644
--- a/dlls/wined3d/context.c
+++ b/dlls/wined3d/context.c
@@ -113,65 +113,91 @@ static WineD3DContext *AddContextToArray(IWineD3DDeviceImpl *This, HWND win_hand
/* This function takes care of WineD3D pixel format selection. */
static int WineD3D_ChoosePixelFormat(IWineD3DDeviceImpl *This, HDC hdc, WINED3DFORMAT ColorFormat, WINED3DFORMAT DepthStencilFormat, BOOL auxBuffers, BOOL pbuffer, BOOL findCompatible)
- int iPixelFormat = 0;
- int attribs[256];
- int nAttribs = 0;
- unsigned int nFormats;
+ int iPixelFormat=0;
short redBits, greenBits, blueBits, alphaBits, colorBits;
short depthBits=0, stencilBits=0;
- BOOL result = FALSE;
-#define PUSH1(att) attribs[nAttribs++] = (att);
-#define PUSH2(att,value) attribs[nAttribs++] = (att); attribs[nAttribs++] = (value);
+ int i = 0;
+ int nCfgs = This->adapter->nCfgs;
+ WineD3D_PixelFormat *cfgs = This->adapter->cfgs;
- if(getColorBits(ColorFormat, &redBits, &greenBits, &blueBits, &alphaBits, &colorBits)) {
- } else {
+ if(!getColorBits(ColorFormat, &redBits, &greenBits, &blueBits, &alphaBits, &colorBits)) {
ERR("Unable to get color bits for format %s (%#x)!\n", debug_d3dformat(ColorFormat), ColorFormat);
return 0;
- /* Request depth/stencil when we need it */
- if(DepthStencilFormat && getDepthStencilBits(DepthStencilFormat, &depthBits, &stencilBits)) {
+ if(DepthStencilFormat) {
+ getDepthStencilBits(DepthStencilFormat, &depthBits, &stencilBits);
- PUSH2(WGL_PIXEL_TYPE_ARB, WGL_TYPE_RGBA_ARB); /* Make sure we don't get a float or color index format */
- PUSH2(WGL_ACCELERATION_ARB, WGL_FULL_ACCELERATION_ARB); /* Make sure we receive an accelerated format. On windows (at least on ATI) this is not always the case */
- if(auxBuffers) {
- TRACE("Requesting 2 aux buffers\n");
- /* We like to have two aux buffers in backbuffer mode */
+ /* Find a pixel format which EXACTLY matches our requirements (except for depth) */
+ for(i=0; i<nCfgs; i++) {
+ BOOL exactDepthMatch = TRUE;
+ /* For now only accept RGBA formats. Perhaps some day we will
+ * allow floating point formats for pbuffers. */
+ if(cfgs->iPixelType != WGL_TYPE_RGBA_ARB)
+ continue;
+ /* In all cases except when we are in pbuffer-mode we need a window drawable format with double buffering. */
+ if(!pbuffer && !cfgs->windowDrawable && !cfgs->doubleBuffer)
+ continue;
+ /* We like to have aux buffers in backbuffer mode */
+ if(auxBuffers && !cfgs->auxBuffers)
+ continue;
+ /* In pbuffer-mode we need a pbuffer-capable format */
+ if(pbuffer && !cfgs->pbufferDrawable)
+ continue;
+ if(cfgs->redSize != redBits)
+ continue;
+ if(cfgs->greenSize != greenBits)
+ continue;
+ if(cfgs->blueSize != blueBits)
+ continue;
+ if(cfgs->alphaSize != alphaBits)
+ continue;
+ /* We try to locate a format which matches our requirements exactly. In case of
+ * depth it is no problem to emulate 16-bit using e.g. 24-bit, so accept that. */
+ if(cfgs->depthSize < depthBits)
+ continue;
+ else if(cfgs->depthSize > depthBits)
+ exactDepthMatch = FALSE;
+ /* In all cases make sure the number of stencil bits matches our requirements
+ * even when we don't need stencil because it could affect performance */
+ if(!(cfgs->stencilSize == stencilBits))
+ continue;
+ /* When we have passed all the checks then we have found a format which matches our
+ * requirements. Note that we only check for a limit number of capabilities right now,
+ * so there can easily be a dozen of pixel formats which appear to be the 'same' but
+ * can still differ in things like multisampling, stereo, SRGB and other flags.
+ */
- PUSH2(WGL_DRAW_TO_WINDOW_ARB, GL_TRUE); /* We want to draw to a window */
- } else if(pbuffer) {
- PUSH2(WGL_DRAW_TO_PBUFFER_ARB, GL_TRUE); /* We need pbuffer support; doublebuffering isn't needed */
- } else {
- PUSH2(WGL_DRAW_TO_WINDOW_ARB, GL_TRUE); /* We want to draw to a window */
+ /* Exit the loop as we have found a format :) */
+ if(exactDepthMatch) {
+ iPixelFormat = cfgs->iPixelFormat;
+ break;
+ } else if(!iPixelFormat) {
+ /* In the end we might end up with a format which doesn't exactly match our depth
+ * requirements. Accept the first format we found because formats with higher iPixelFormat
+ * values tend to have more extended capabilities (e.g. multisampling) which we don't need. */
+ iPixelFormat = cfgs->iPixelFormat;
+ }
- PUSH1(0); /* end the list */
-#undef PUSH1
-#undef PUSH2
- result = GL_EXTCALL(wglChoosePixelFormatARB(hdc, (const int*)&attribs, NULL, 1, &iPixelFormat, &nFormats));
- if(!result && !findCompatible) {
+ /* When findCompatible is set and no suitable format was found, let ChoosePixelFormat choose a pixel format in order not to crash. */
+ if(!iPixelFormat && !findCompatible) {
ERR("Can't find a suitable iPixelFormat\n");
return FALSE;
} else {
- TRACE("Falling back to ChoosePixelFormat as wglChoosePixelFormatARB failed\n");
+ TRACE("Falling back to ChoosePixelFormat as we weren't able to find an exactly matching pixel format\n");
/* PixelFormat selection */
ZeroMemory(&pfd, sizeof(pfd));
pfd.nSize = sizeof(pfd);
@@ -192,6 +218,7 @@ static int WineD3D_ChoosePixelFormat(IWineD3DDeviceImpl *This, HDC hdc, WINED3DF
+ TRACE("Found iPixelFormat=%d for ColorFormat=%s, DepthStencilFormat=%s\n", cfgs->iPixelFormat, debug_d3dformat(ColorFormat), debug_d3dformat(DepthStencilFormat));
return iPixelFormat;