Module: website
Branch: master
Commit: fbf484b7699c19587422953f6b31e97b77a0e72e
Author: Jeremy Newman <jnewman(a)>
Date: Mon Nov 14 15:21:23 2016 -0600
move contrubuting link to top of table
templates/de/getinvolved.template | 20 ++++++++++----------
templates/en/getinvolved.template | 18 +++++++++---------
templates/pl/getinvolved.template | 20 ++++++++++----------
templates/tr/getinvolved.template | 16 ++++++++--------
4 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
diff --git a/templates/de/getinvolved.template b/templates/de/getinvolved.template
index 828b5fe..895cfc3 100644
--- a/templates/de/getinvolved.template
+++ b/templates/de/getinvolved.template
@@ -15,37 +15,37 @@ Hilfsmittel, die wir unseren Entwicklern zur Verfügung stellen.</p>
<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
- <a href="">Wine Wiki Entwicklerdokumentation (en)</a>
+ <a href="">Zu Wine beitragen</a>
<td valign="top">
- Die <a href="">Wine Wiki Developer</a>-Seiten werden aktuellere
- Informationen haben, als diese Seite. Sie sollten das Erste sein, was sich neue Entwickler ansehen.
+ Informationen für beginnende Mitarbeiter.
<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
- <a href="">Praktika</a>
+ <a href="">Wine Wiki Entwicklerdokumentation (en)</a>
<td valign="top">
- Ab Herbst 2009 wird CodeWeavers jedes Quartal 1-2 Praktikumstellen im Wine-Entwicklungsbereich für
- qualifizierende Studenten anbieten. Wir nehmen Bewerbungen für diese Stellen zu jedem Zeitpunkt
- entgegen. Studenten sind gleichermaßen aus den USA wie auch aus Übersee willkommen.
+ Die <a href="">Wine Wiki Developer</a>-Seiten werden aktuellere
+ Informationen haben, als diese Seite. Sie sollten das Erste sein, was sich neue Entwickler ansehen.
<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
- <a href="">Zu Wine beitragen</a>
+ <a href="">Praktika</a>
<td valign="top">
- Informationen für beginnende Mitarbeiter.
+ Ab Herbst 2009 wird CodeWeavers jedes Quartal 1-2 Praktikumstellen im Wine-Entwicklungsbereich für
+ qualifizierende Studenten anbieten. Wir nehmen Bewerbungen für diese Stellen zu jedem Zeitpunkt
+ entgegen. Studenten sind gleichermaßen aus den USA wie auch aus Übersee willkommen.
<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
- <a href="{$root}/docs/winedev-guide/index">Entwicklerhandbuch</a>
+ <a href="'s_Guide">Entwicklerhandbuch</a>
<td valign="top">
Online verfügbares Handbuch für die Wine-Entwicklung.
diff --git a/templates/en/getinvolved.template b/templates/en/getinvolved.template
index 10cf5f2..956fc83 100644
--- a/templates/en/getinvolved.template
+++ b/templates/en/getinvolved.template
@@ -14,31 +14,31 @@ various resources available for our developers.</p>
<div class="row padding-md">
<div class="col-xs-3 col-md-2">
- <a href="">Wine Wiki Developer Documentation</a>
+ <a href="">Contributing to Wine</a>
<div class="col-xs-9 col-md-10">
- The <a href="">Wine Wiki Developer</a> pages will have more current
- information than this page. It should be the first place for new developers to look.
+ Information for 1st time contributors.
<div class="row padding-md">
<div class="col-xs-3 col-md-2">
- <a href="">Internships</a>
+ <a href="">Wine Wiki Developer Documentation</a>
<div class="col-xs-9 col-md-10">
- CodeWeavers fills 1-2 Wine Development Internship slots every quarter for students and recent graduates.
- Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis, and candidates from both the United States and overseas
- are welcome.
+ The <a href="">Wine Wiki Developer</a> pages will have more current
+ information than this page. It should be the first place for new developers to look.
<div class="row padding-md">
<div class="col-xs-3 col-md-2">
- <a href="">Contributing to Wine</a>
+ <a href="">Internships</a>
<div class="col-xs-9 col-md-10">
- Information for 1st time contributors.
+ CodeWeavers fills 1-2 Wine Development Internship slots every quarter for students and recent graduates.
+ Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis, and candidates from both the United States and overseas
+ are welcome.
diff --git a/templates/pl/getinvolved.template b/templates/pl/getinvolved.template
index 07ffba2..1e432a5 100644
--- a/templates/pl/getinvolved.template
+++ b/templates/pl/getinvolved.template
@@ -15,37 +15,37 @@ rozmaitych materiałów dostępnych dla programistów Wine.</p>
<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
- <a href="">Dokumentacja Wine Wiki Developer</a>
+ <a href="">Udzielanie się w Wine</a>
<td valign="top">
- Strony <a href="">Wine Wiki Developer</a> będą zawierały bardziej aktualne
- informacje niż ta strona. Powinno to miejsce pierwsze w kolejności do odwiedzenia przez nowych programistów.
+ Informacje dla tych, którzy będą się udzielali po raz pierwszy.
<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
- <a href="">Praktyki/Staże</a>
+ <a href="">Dokumentacja Wine Wiki Developer</a>
<td valign="top">
- Z początkiem jesieni 2009, CodeWeavers będzie oferował od 1 do 2 miejsc w Wine Development Internship na każdy kwartał
- dla wykwalifikowanych studentów na poziomie przed dyplomowym i podyplomowym. Aplikacje na te miejsca przyjmujemy w
- trybie ciągłym. Studenci ze Stanów Zjednoczonych jak i zagraniczni są równie miło widziani.
+ Strony <a href="">Wine Wiki Developer</a> będą zawierały bardziej aktualne
+ informacje niż ta strona. Powinno to miejsce pierwsze w kolejności do odwiedzenia przez nowych programistów.
<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
- <a href="">Udzielanie się w Wine</a>
+ <a href="">Praktyki/Staże</a>
<td valign="top">
- Informacje dla tych, którzy będą się udzielali po raz pierwszy.
+ Z początkiem jesieni 2009, CodeWeavers będzie oferował od 1 do 2 miejsc w Wine Development Internship na każdy kwartał
+ dla wykwalifikowanych studentów na poziomie przed dyplomowym i podyplomowym. Aplikacje na te miejsca przyjmujemy w
+ trybie ciągłym. Studenci ze Stanów Zjednoczonych jak i zagraniczni są równie miło widziani.
<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
- <a href="{$root}/docs/winedev-guide/index">Przewodnik programisty</a>
+ <a href="'s_Guide">Przewodnik programisty</a>
<td valign="top">
Materiały online na temat programowania dla Wine.
diff --git a/templates/tr/getinvolved.template b/templates/tr/getinvolved.template
index 7b93124..e838d7b 100644
--- a/templates/tr/getinvolved.template
+++ b/templates/tr/getinvolved.template
@@ -14,35 +14,35 @@
<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
- <a href="">Wine Wiki Geliştirici Belgeleri</a>
+ <a href="">Wine'a Katkıda Bulunmak</a>
<td valign="top">
- The <a href="">Wine Wiki Geliştirici</a> sayfaları bu sayfadan daha güncel bilgi içerecektir. Bu sayfa yeni geliştiricilerin bakması gereken ilk yer olmalıdır.
+ İlk kez katkıda bulunanlar için bilgi.
<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
- <a href="">Stajlar</a>
+ <a href="">Wine Wiki Geliştirici Belgeleri</a>
<td valign="top">
- CodeWeavers, her 3 ayda bir öğrenciler ve yeni mezunlar için 1-2 Wine Geliştirme Staj pozisyonunu doldurur.
- Başvurular sürekli kabul edilir ve Amerika ve diğer ülkelerden de kabul edilmektedir.
+ The <a href="">Wine Wiki Geliştirici</a> sayfaları bu sayfadan daha güncel bilgi içerecektir. Bu sayfa yeni geliştiricilerin bakması gereken ilk yer olmalıdır.
<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
- <a href="">Wine'a Katkıda Bulunmak</a>
+ <a href="">Stajlar</a>
<td valign="top">
- İlk kez katkıda bulunanlar için bilgi.
+ CodeWeavers, her 3 ayda bir öğrenciler ve yeni mezunlar için 1-2 Wine Geliştirme Staj pozisyonunu doldurur.
+ Başvurular sürekli kabul edilir ve Amerika ve diğer ülkelerden de kabul edilmektedir.
<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
- <a href="{$root}/docs/winedev-guide/index">Geliştirici Kılavuzu</a>
+ <a href="'s_Guide">Geliştirici Kılavuzu</a>
<td valign="top">
Wine ile geliştirme için çevrimiçi kaynak.
Module: appdb
Branch: master
Commit: 2431809b02e2c23c58e5f6621730c765c08ccffb
Author: Jeremy Newman <jnewman(a)>
Date: Mon Nov 14 10:42:01 2016 -0600
change wiki link, markdown
TODO | 4 ++--
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index a827994..3e59ea0 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-WineHQ Application Database TODO List
+# WineHQ Application Database TODO List
For the current TODO list please refer to the Wine Wiki at:
Module: appdb
Branch: master
Commit: 85526a780e99f833177de92519894f5221732e5d
Author: Jeremy Newman <jnewman(a)>
Date: Mon Nov 14 10:40:13 2016 -0600
update, convert to markdown syntax, cleanup
README | 104 ++++++++++++++++-------------------------------------------------
1 file changed, 25 insertions(+), 79 deletions(-)
diff --git a/README b/README
index c13d3fc..c624bf6 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,93 +1,39 @@
-WineHQ Application Database
+# WineHQ Application Database
Jeremy Newman <jnewman(a)>
- Charles Leop <charles(a)>
- Paul van Schayck <polleke(a)>
- Chris Morgan <cmorgan(a)>
- Tony Lambregts <tony_lambregts(a)>
- Jonathan Ernst <Jonathan(a)>
-To install locally for testing/hacking:
+## To install locally for testing/hacking:
+1. Copy AppDB files to somewhere where your web server can access them.
-# Symlink from /var/www to the appdb directory
+2. Copy include/config.php.sample to include/config.php
-# Copy include/config.php.sample to include/config.php
+3. Edit include/config.php as you see fit, the default name of the database
+ used in the table creation step below is "apidb", you'll have to modify
+ these files if you change this in config.php
-# Edit include/config.php as you see fit, the default name of the database
- used in the table creation step below is "apidb", you'll have to modify
- these files if you change this in config.php
- # NOTE: You must update the APPDB_ROOT entry to be YOUR url to the application database
- If this the APPDB_ROOT isn't correct your urls will point to the wrong pages.
+ **NOTE:** You must update the APPDB_ROOT entry to be YOUR url to the application database
+ If this the APPDB_ROOT isn't correct your urls will point to the wrong pages.
- # NOTE: if you've changed the name of the database by changing the define of
- 'APPS_DB' in include/config.php you'll have to modify the 'create database' and 'use'
+ **NOTE:** if you've changed the name of the database by changing the define of
+ *APPS_DB* in include/config.php you'll have to modify the *create database* and *use*
entries in pretty much every file in the /tables/ directory. The recommendation is to
leave the default value of APPS_DB to keep things simple
-# 'cd tables', run './create_tables' to create the database tables
-# Look in include/config.php at the 'APPS_DBUSER' and 'APPS_DBPASS' defines.
- Ensure that this user and password exist in your mysql users list and that this user
- has been granted 'SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE' and 'DELETE' privileges on the database
- defined by the value of 'APPS_DB' in include/config.php
-# Try to open up localhost/appdb, if you get a directory listing
- Edit your /etc/apache/httpd.conf "DirectoryIndex" to include index.php
- so apache will open index.php after not finding index.html/index.htm etc
-# Also ensure these options in /etc/apache/php.ini:
- register_globals 0
- short_open_tag 0
- register_long_arrays 0
- magic_quotes_gpc 0
- Or ensure your appdb directory has AllowOverride' set to 'All' inside
- httpd.conf to let .htaccess set these settings.
-# An AppDB admin user has been automatically created while running
- the create_tables script
- email: admin@localhost
- password: testing
- You should change the password as soon as possible!
-You can either set up a real bugzilla database or a fake one
-# cd tables, run ./create_bugzilla_tables to create the fake bugzilla tables
-# or installing a real bugzilla database (hope this helps)
-# download buzilla (password for cvs is cvs)
-cd /var/www/html
-cvs login
-cvs -z 0 checkout bugzilla
-# change directory to bugzilla and change the group ownership to apache.
-cd bugzilla
-chgrp -R apache .
-chmod -R g+rX .
+4. to create the database tables: `cd tables; ./create_tables`
-# change to su and run ./ and fix up what it finds wrong.
-# this may take several runs
+5. Look in include/config.php at the 'APPS_DBUSER' and 'APPS_DBPASS' defines.
+ Ensure that this user and password exist in your mysql users list and that this user
+ has been granted 'SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE' and 'DELETE' privileges on the database
+ defined by the value of 'APPS_DB' in include/config.php
+6. Ensure your appdb directory has *AllowOverride* set to *All* in Apache config to let
+ .htaccess use required PHP settings. Or duplicate the .htaccess/PHP settings in your Apache config.
-# in the /etc/httpd/conf/hppt.conf file find "AddHandler cgi-script .cgi" and add the following.
+7. An AppDB admin user has been automatically created while running the create_tables script
-<Directory "/var/www/html/bugzilla">
-Options ExecCGI
-AllowOverride Limit
-Order allow,deny
-Allow from all
+ **email:** admin@localhost **password:** testing
-# edit local config as necessary to allow access.
+8. You can either set up a real bugzilla database or a fake one.
+to create the fake bugzilla tables: `cd tables; ./create_bugzilla_tables`