ChangeSet ID: 1020276252239102872395055
CVSROOT: /opt/cvs-commit
Module name: wine
Changes by: julliard(a) 02/05/01 13:04:12
Modified files:
dlls/winedos : module.c
Log message:
Jukka Heinonen <jhei(a)>
When DOS program executes another DOS program, command line is now
passed correctly. If DOS command line is too long, command line is now
truncated instead of letting it trash memory.
Revision Changes Path
1.15 +28 -16 wine/dlls/winedos/module.c
ChangeSet ID: 1020201454896766345323162
CVSROOT: /opt/cvs-commit
Module name: wine
Changes by: julliard(a) 02/04/30 16:17:34
Modified files:
win32 : editline.c
Log message:
Jason Edmeades <us(a)>
- Added f8 (history retrieval from partial command) support
- Delete key deletes current character
- Ctrl + end deletes to end of line
- Ctrl + right stopped before the word itself
Revision Changes Path
1.7 +51 -1 wine/win32/editline.c