Dear wine developers,
I have one question on the development of wine. Long(one or
two years) ago I've heard that Microsoft got some hidden
APIs in their products of various windows, and they use
these APIs in their own applications. I wonder if this is
still a problem on their recent product like windows XP. If
it is, I guess wine will not be able to run such MS
applications which uses hidden APIs. Is this right?
And, is wine designed(or its goal is) to run all
applications(including MS …
[View More]product and non-MS product) that
runs on windows?
Please forgive me if this problem has appeared in the
past. I just joined this list a couple of days ago.
Thank you.
Zhang Shu
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Original message from: lawson_whitney(a)
>On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Michael Cardenas wrote:
>> Attached is the output of +relay,+file,+comm.
>May we see a
>wine --version, please?
How about showing us the source you are using, so we can help you
debug it?
thanks in advance ;-)
ph +82 16 430 0425
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----- Original Message -----
From: "Guy L. Albertelli" <galberte(a)>
To: "Jeremy Shaw" <jeremy(a)>; "Wine Devel" <wine-devel(a)>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 9:20 PM
Subject: Re: Question about ToolbarWindowProc
> case 0x0463:
> {
> LPDWORD hoho = (LPDWORD)lParam;
> ERR("[0463] lParam 0x%08lx -> 0x%08lx 0x%08lx\n",
> lParam, *hoho, *(hoho+1));
> /* guess - …
[View More]level 1 */
> if (!*(hoho+1)) {
> *(hoho+1) = *hoho; /* set second word to first */
> }
> return 0; /* really should be 1 */
> }
After more thought (this is still supposition), I think that lParam is a
LPSIZE. Also that the code (at least partially) could be:
case 0x0463:
LPSIZE hoho = (LPDWORD)lParam;
ERR("[0463] lParam 0x%08lx -> 0x%08lx 0x%08lx\n",
lParam, hoho->cx, hoho->cy);
/* guess - level 2 */
if (!hoho->cy) {
hoho->cy = infoPtr->rcBound.bottom - infoPtr->;
return 1;
Note that there has to be some difference between [0463] and TB_GETMAXSIZE.
Also I have seen some of the values being -1 or other small values.
Making the changes to spy.c and seeing what the natvie control does will be
the key.
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lawson_whitney(a) writes:
> ChangeLog:
> dlls/shlwapi/path.c:
> Lawson Whitney <lawson_whitney(a)>
> Protect PathIsUNCServerShare from bad lpszPath.
Windows doesn't seem to do this. The bad pointer probably comes from
an earlier bug.
Alexandre Julliard
A small question. I was curious if there was a particular reason that
HEADER_DrawItem was using the unicode DrawText functions? For my recent
listview testing, I whipped up a quick app with a couple of listviews in
it. And not knowing how to make the headers use unicode (I am very new
to writing Windows apps), under wine all the headers had the little
squares instead of the correct text.
Going to header.c line 299 and changing the DrawTextW to DrawTextA draws
the headers correctly in my …
[View More]test app. Also there is a BOOL flag in the
HEADER_INFO struct for unicode. So I guess I am wondering if there is
some reason not to test that flag and draw the header accordingly?
I am still trying to figure out how to make my app use unicode (I am
using Borland C++), or to find an app that uses unicode headers.
[View Less]
OK, I the simple fix I posted earlier for the winproc memory leak problem
caused two identical winprocs to be stored and broke some of the common
controls (causing a message loop). This fix should keep the winproc ordering
correct and only allow one winproc of the same address if it is set as a
both a class and user proc.
Dave Hawkes
NOTICE!! NOTICE!! NOTICE!! will be moving to a new home in Minnesota. We are trying
to make this move as seamless as possible, but we can't guarantee that
there will not be any downtime. I will post another message to the
mailing lists when I have a more definite time of shutdown of the old
server. WILL be on-line for Web, FTP and CVS access. The area
that could have the longest downtime is the mailing lists.
Once the transfer is complete,, winehq.…
[View More]org, and will be one and the same site.
If you run a mirror of please contact me to make arrangements
for access.
Further questions can be directed my was as well.
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the C unit testing framework is CVS now, you have
choice of C and Perl frameworks for unit tests
One unit test, implemented with this framework is also
submitted (see dlls/user/tests/sysparams.c).
Andriy Palamarchuk
Do You Yahoo!?
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Does anyone have a system where pgm1 starts, write some parameters to a
file, stops, pgm2 starts and read that file working?
If so do you have to change anything in wine? What?