it seems we should gain some clarification for the naming of the various
ways Wine can be configured.
This question arises between "old wow64" and "new wow64" esp. some use
wow64 without it being very clear to what it applies (some using wine's
old wow64 configuration as it was the only one, others refer to window's
wow64 architecture, hence "new wow64" in wine lingo)
some have used multi-arch wow(64) or multi arch wine for reference to
the new wine wow64...
it seems to me we'd better use a common denomination for all of this...
- only applying to cross compilation (open point if we still need to
refer to ELF/dylib exec:s)
- different from images naming (for which the <CPU>-<HOST> applies)
So this mail to share the question, and a proposal
- *wow64*: the new multi-arch wow64 configuration, which mimics windows
wow64 architecture ; dropping the 'new' to match with windows (and also,
not sure that in 10years from now it will still be "new")
- (wine)*old wow64*: the wine-only old wow64 configuration
if needed (at least to remind that they exist)
- *pure32*: the 32bit only configuration
- *pure64*: the 64bit only configuration
Note: the proposal doesn't include whether the configuration can run a
module for a given CPU. That's questionable.
For comments, rant, other proposals...
better ideas