Installing my company's app is still a bear -- the only
way I've found to avoid the dreaded "object reference not set" is
to run with --debugmsg +ole and redirect to a file
(not to the screen, and not to /dev/null).
Once installed, the app runs quite well... except for one screen,
which remains nearly blank. The MDI frames draw fine, but the
contents (which include a hex memory dump area and a tree control)
remain blank.
Since there were a few richtext fixmes,
I threw in native richtext dlls, and that got rid of lots of fixmes,
but didn't help the display. Here's the Wine log file,
passed through uniq -c:
1 fixme:win32:PE_CreateModule Security directory ignored
1 err:win32:PE_fixup_imports No implementation for WSOCK32.dll.1141 imported from blahblah.dll, setting to 0xdeadbeef
1 fixme:ole:CoRegisterMessageFilter stub
1 fixme:commdlg:GetFileName95 Flags 0x00800002 not yet implemented
1 fixme:winsock:WS_bind Setting WS_SO_REUSEADDR on socket before we binding it
2 fixme:mdi:MDIRefreshMenu partially function stub
1 fixme:dc:LockWindowUpdate ((nil)), partial stub!
3 fixme:mdi:MDIRefreshMenu partially function stub
1 fixme:winsock:WS_bind Setting WS_SO_REUSEADDR on socket before we binding it
8 fixme:mdi:MDIRefreshMenu partially function stub
1 fixme:ole:CoRegisterMessageFilter stub
Grr. Nothing's really obvious to this non-windows-programmer, and the
guy who wrote this program is on vacation, so I can't pick his brains.
Anyone have suggestions for what to try next?
p.s. FWIW, here's sort | uniq -c of the log file before I threw in the native DLLs:
1 err:win32:PE_fixup_imports No implementation for WSOCK32.dll.1141 imported from blahblah.dll, setting to 0xdeadbeef
1 fixme:dc:LockWindowUpdate ((nil)), partial stub!
9 fixme:mdi:MDIRefreshMenu partially function stub
2 fixme:ole:CoRegisterMessageFilter stub
1 fixme:richedit:RICHED32_WindowProc Unknown message 0x24 Passed to default hwnd=0x110023, wParam=00000000, lParam=40791e18
622 fixme:richedit:RICHED32_WindowProc Unknown message 0x363 Passed to default hwnd=0x110023, wParam=00000001, lParam=00000000
1 fixme:win32:PE_CreateModule Security directory ignored
2 fixme:winsock:WS_bind Setting WS_SO_REUSEADDR on socket before we binding it