This fixes another problem on my automatic tester's radar.
The only user of this array is commented/disabled, so I suggest to
either move the array or completely yank it.
Move event_names[] into EVENT_ProcessEvent().
Index: wineclipsrv.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/x11drv/wineclipsrv.c,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -3 -p -r1.4 wineclipsrv.c
--- wineclipsrv.c 5 Jul 2002 21:22:09 -0000 1.4
+++ wineclipsrv.c 19 Oct 2003 20:04:32 -0000
@@ -174,20 +174,6 @@ static PCACHEENTRY g_pClipboardCache = N
static unsigned long g_cPrimaryTargets = 0; /* Number of TARGETS reported by PRIMARY selection */
static unsigned long g_cClipboardTargets = 0; /* Number of TARGETS reported by CLIPBOARD selection */
-/* Event names */
-static const char * const event_names[] =
- "", "", "KeyPress", "KeyRelease", "ButtonPress", "ButtonRelease",
- "MotionNotify", "EnterNotify", "LeaveNotify", "FocusIn", "FocusOut",
- "KeymapNotify", "Expose", "GraphicsExpose", "NoExpose", "VisibilityNotify",
- "CreateNotify", "DestroyNotify", "UnmapNotify", "MapNotify", "MapRequest",
- "ReparentNotify", "ConfigureNotify", "ConfigureRequest", "GravityNotify",
- "ResizeRequest", "CirculateNotify", "CirculateRequest", "PropertyNotify",
- "SelectionClear", "SelectionRequest", "SelectionNotify", "ColormapNotify",
- "ClientMessage", "MappingNotify"
* Prototypes
@@ -805,6 +791,18 @@ void EmptyCache(PCACHEENTRY pCache, int
void EVENT_ProcessEvent( XEvent *event )
+ static const char * const event_names[] =
+ {
+ "", "", "KeyPress", "KeyRelease", "ButtonPress", "ButtonRelease",
+ "MotionNotify", "EnterNotify", "LeaveNotify", "FocusIn", "FocusOut",
+ "KeymapNotify", "Expose", "GraphicsExpose", "NoExpose", "VisibilityNotify",
+ "CreateNotify", "DestroyNotify", "UnmapNotify", "MapNotify", "MapRequest",
+ "ReparentNotify", "ConfigureNotify", "ConfigureRequest", "GravityNotify",
+ "ResizeRequest", "CirculateNotify", "CirculateRequest", "PropertyNotify",
+ "SelectionClear", "SelectionRequest", "SelectionNotify", "ColormapNotify",
+ "ClientMessage", "MappingNotify"
+ };
TRACE(" event %s for Window %08lx\n", event_names[event->type], event->xany.window );