Over two years ago this was disccused and the concensus at the time was that
integrating the AppDB and Bugzilla would be a Good Idea (TM). This patch is my
attempt to get it started.
I am submitting this to wine devel first because I KNOW this patch can be
controversial. I have tried to make this patch as small as possible but it still
covers quite a few files. I am useing Globals and that should be improved. and I
am sure there are other things that are wrong with it. ;^) Also the code in
preferences.php does not do anything except show that this works.
Finally in order for it to work Jeremy Newman will need to set up the
include/config.php in the appdb directory.
Please try it out and get back to me..
Change Log: Integrate AppDB with Bugzilla to use the versions table from Buzilla.
Files changed: preferences.php include/config.php.sample include/util.php
Files Added: tables/bugzilla_tables.sql tables/create_bugzilla_tables
Index: preferences.php
RCS file: /home/wine/appdb/preferences.php,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 preferences.php
--- preferences.php 10 Dec 2004 01:07:45 -0000 1.2
+++ preferences.php 11 Dec 2004 04:45:44 -0000
@@ -50,6 +50,16 @@
$ext_email = $user->lookup_email($_SESSION['current']->userid);
+ $version = "unspecified";
+ echo "<tr><td> wine version </td><td>";
+ make_bugzilla_version_list("version", $version);
+ echo "</td></tr>";
+/* <tr>
+ <td> Email Address </td>
+ <td> <input type="text" name="ext_email" value="<?=$ext_email;?>"> </td>
+ </tr>
Index: include/config.php.sample
RCS file: /home/wine/appdb/include/config.php.sample,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 config.php.sample
--- include/config.php.sample 24 Mar 2004 15:51:49 -0000 1.2
+++ include/config.php.sample 11 Dec 2004 04:45:45 -0000
@@ -24,4 +24,14 @@
$userdb_dbhost = "localhost";
$userdb_db = "apidb";
+ * Bugzilla database info
+ */
+$bugzilla_dbuser = "root";
+$bugzilla_dbpass = "";
+$bugzilla_dbhost = "localhost";
+$bugzilla_db = "bugs";
+/* $bugzilla_db_port = 3306; is this needed? I dont think so.*/
+$bugzilla_product_id = 1;
Index: include/util.php
RCS file: /home/wine/appdb/include/util.php,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -r1.7 util.php
--- include/util.php 10 Dec 2004 01:07:45 -0000 1.7
+++ include/util.php 11 Dec 2004 04:45:45 -0000
@@ -171,6 +171,69 @@
+/* bugzilla functions */
+function openbugzilladb()
+ global $bugzilla_dbuser, $bugzilla_dbpass, $bugzilla_dbhost, $bugzilla_db, $bugzilla_product_id;
+ global $dbcon, $dbref;
+ $dbref++;
+ if($dbcon)
+ return $dbcon;
+ $dbcon = mysql_connect($bugzilla_dbhost, $bugzilla_dbuser, $bugzilla_dbpass);
+ if(!$dbcon)
+ {
+ echo "An error occurred: ".mysql_error()."<p>\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ mysql_select_db($bugzilla_db);
+ return $dbcon;
+function closebugzilladb()
+ global $dbcon, $dbref;
+ if(--$dbref)
+ return;
+ mysql_close($adbcon);
+function make_bugzilla_version_list($varname, $cvalue)
+ global $bugzilla_db, $bugzilla_product_id;
+ $table = $bugzilla_db.".versions";
+ $where = "WHERE product_id=".$bugzilla_product_id;
+ $query = "SELECT value FROM $table $where ORDER BY value";
+ openbugzilladb();
+ $result = mysql_query($query);
+ if(!$result)
+ {
+ closebugzilladb();
+ return; // Oops
+ }
+ echo "<select name='$varname'>\n";
+ echo "<option value=0>Choose ...</option>\n";
+ while(list($value) = mysql_fetch_row($result))
+ {
+ if($id == $cvalue)
+ echo "<option value=$value selected>$value\n";
+ else
+ echo "<option value=$value>$value\n";
+ }
+ echo "</select>\n";
+ closebugzilladb();
/* get the number of applications in the appQueue table */
function getQueuedAppCount()
--- /dev/null 2003-01-30 03:24:37.000000000 -0700
+++ tables/create_bugzilla_tables 2004-12-10 13:41:28.000000000 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+echo Creating fake Bugzilla tables
+mysql -u root < bugzilla_tables.sql
--- /dev/null 2003-01-30 03:24:37.000000000 -0700
+++ tables/bugzilla_tables.sql 2004-12-10 14:10:49.000000000 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+create database if not exists bugs;
+use bugs;
+drop table if exists versions;
+ * versions information
+ */
+create table versions (
+ value tinytext,
+ product_id smallint not null
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('unspecified', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20010112', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20010216', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20010305', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20010326', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20010418', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20010510', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20010629', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20010824', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20011004', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20011108', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20020228', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20020310', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20020411', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20020509', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20020605', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20020710', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20020804', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20020904', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20021007', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20021031', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20021125', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20021219', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20030115', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20030219', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20030318', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20030408', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20030508', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20030618', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20030709', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20030813', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20030911', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20031016', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20031118', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20031212', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20040121', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20040213', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20040309', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20040408', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20040505', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20040615', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20040716', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20040813', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20040914', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20041019', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('20041201', 1 );
+INSERT INTO versions VALUES ('CVS', 1 );
RCS file: /home/wine/appdb/README,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 README
--- README 25 Mar 2004 16:29:47 -0000 1.3
+++ README 11 Dec 2004 05:10:49 -0000
@@ -1,32 +1,70 @@
-WineHQ Application Database
- Jeremy Newman <jnewman(a)codeweavers.com>
- Charles Leop <charles(a)codeweavers.com>
- Paul van Schayck <info(a)wwwdesign.tmfweb.nl>
- Chris Morgan <cmorgan(a)alum.wpi.edu>
+WineHQ Application Database
+ Jeremy Newman <jnewman(a)codeweavers.com>
+ Charles Leop <charles(a)codeweavers.com>
+ Paul van Schayck <info(a)wwwdesign.tmfweb.nl>
+ Chris Morgan <cmorgan(a)alum.wpi.edu>
+To install locally for testing/hacking:
+- Symlink from /var/www to the appdb directory
+- Copy include/config.php.sample to include/config.php
+- Edit include/config.php as you see fit, the default name of the database
+ used in the table creation step below is "apidb", you'll have to modify
+ these files if you change this in config.php
+- cd tables, run ./create_tables to create the database tables
+- Try to open up localhost/appdb, if you get a directory listing
+ Edit your /etc/apache/httpd.conf "DirectoryIndex" to include index.php
+ so apache will open index.php after not finding index.html/index.htm etc
+- Check your /etc/php/php.ini to ensure that
+ 'register_globals = On' (variables won't get passed)
+ 'magic_quotes_gpc = Off' (you would end up with \ everywhere)
+ 'session.bug_compat_42' = On' (Problem with auto-globals and session variables)
+You can create ether set up a real bugzilla database or a fake one
+- cd tables, run ./create_bugzilla_tables to create the fake bugzilla tables
-To install locally for testing/hacking:
+- installing a real bugzilla database (hope this helps)
-- Symlink from /var/www to the appdb directory
+# download buzilla (password for cvs is cvs)
-- Copy include/config.php.sample to include/config.php
+cd /var/www/html
+export CVSROOT=:pserver:cvs@cvs.winehq.org:/home/wine
+cvs login
+cvs -z 0 checkout bugzilla
-- Edit include/config.php as you see fit, the default name of the database
- used in the table creation step below is "apidb", you'll have to modify
- these files if you change this in config.php
+# change directory to bugzilla and change the group ownership to apache.
-- cd tables, run ./create_tables to create the database tables
+cd bugzilla
+chgrp -R apache .
+chmod -R g+rX .
-- Try to open up localhost/appdb, if you get a directory listing
- Edit your /etc/apache/httpd.conf "DirectoryIndex" to include index.php
- so apache will open index.php after not finding index.html/index.htm etc
-- Check your /etc/php/php.ini to ensure that
- 'register_globals = On' (variables won't get passed)
- 'magic_quotes_gpc = Off' (you would end up with \ everywhere)
- 'session.bug_compat_42' = On' (Problem with auto-globals and session variables)
+# change to su and run ./checksetup.pl and fix up what it finds wrong.
+# this may take several runs
+# in the /etc/httpd/conf/hppt.conf file find "AddHandler cgi-script .cgi" and add the following.
+<Directory "/var/www/html/bugzilla">
+Options ExecCGI
+AllowOverride Limit
+Order allow,deny
+Allow from all
+# edit local config as nessary to allow access.