For anyone who is using my previously submitted patch here is an update. It
fixes the latent file descriptor leak, and patches a hole where have_cpuid
was retained from the legacy code (Dunno how I missed that one) this ended up
diving into the middle of the cpuid machine code where have_cpuid is defined
(For different reasons).
Since my original submission is not being incorporated into the wine codebase,
I am posting here instead. It just might be useful for someone out there...
bash-2.05$ diff -c cpu.orig.c cpu.c
*** cpu.orig.c Tue Feb 10 23:31:27 2004
--- cpu.c Tue Feb 10 23:39:15 2004
*** 116,122 ****
if (strstr(line,"processor") )count++;
! if(count>0) return count;
#endif /* linux*/
--- 116,126 ----
if (strstr(line,"processor") )count++;
! fclose(f);
! if(count>0)
! {
! return count;
! }
#endif /* linux*/
*** 193,202 ****
"\tandl $2097152,%%eax\n"
"\tandl $2097152,%%ebx\n"
"\txorl %%eax,%%ebx\n"
! "\tjnz have_cpuid\n"
"\tclrl %%ebx\n"
"\tjmp endcpuid\n"
! "have_cpuid:\tmovl %%ecx,%%eax\n"
"\tmovl %%ebx,%0\n"
--- 197,206 ----
"\tandl $2097152,%%eax\n"
"\tandl $2097152,%%ebx\n"
"\txorl %%eax,%%ebx\n"
! "\tjnz have_cpuid_inst\n"
"\tclrl %%ebx\n"
"\tjmp endcpuid\n"
! "have_cpuid_inst:\tmovl %%ecx,%%eax\n"
"\tmovl %%ebx,%0\n"
*** 713,721 ****
cpuid_t cpuId;
unsigned int regs[4], regs2[4];
! if (!have_cpuid())
! regs[0] = 0; /* No cpuid support -- skip
the rest */
! else
cpuId= CPUID_GetId();
/* get standard cpuid level and vendor name */
if (!=0)
--- 717,723 ----
cpuid_t cpuId;
unsigned int regs[4], regs2[4];
cpuId= CPUID_GetId();
/* get standard cpuid level and vendor name */
if (!=0)