>>>>> "Krzysztof" == Krzysztof Foltman <kfoltman(a)portal.onet.pl> writes:
Krzysztof> Hi All, In the original WinInet FTP implementation,
Krzysztof> InternetReadFile always returns complete buffers, except for
Krzysztof> the last block. Some programs (probably ill-behaving ones,
Krzysztof> but I wouldn't bet my head on it) rely on that fact, and stop
Krzysztof> retrieving the file after the first incomplete block.
I met the same problem for the HTTP implementation. The MSG_WAITALL flag
sent to recv should always retrieve buffers of the requested size, if
possible. Can you please try your problem with the MSG_WAITALL flag instead
your patch?
Uwe Bonnes bon(a)elektron.ikp.physik.tu-darmstadt.de
Institut fuer Kernphysik Schlossgartenstrasse 9 64289 Darmstadt
--------- Tel. 06151 162516 -------- Fax. 06151 164321 ----------
Index: wine/dlls/wininet/internet.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/wininet/internet.c,v
retrieving revision 1.95
diff -u -w -r1.95 internet.c
--- wine/dlls/wininet/internet.c 19 Aug 2004 19:02:17 -0000 1.95
+++ wine/dlls/wininet/internet.c 4 Sep 2004 22:09:59 -0000
@@ -1632,7 +1632,7 @@
if (!NETCON_recv(&((LPWININETHTTPREQW)lpwh)->netConnection, lpBuffer,
- dwNumOfBytesToRead, 0, (int *)dwNumOfBytesRead))
+ dwNumOfBytesToRead, MSG_WAITALL, (int *)dwNumOfBytesRead))
*dwNumOfBytesRead = 0;
retval = TRUE; /* Under windows, it seems to return 0 even if nothing was read... */