Jeff Latimer wrote:
> This is the first installment of the implementation of
> MkParseDisplayName. I would like feed back on style and usage.
Ok, I'll happily add comments on the patch.
> I think the implementation of the EnumMoniker interface looks ok.
> Comments appreciated.
> Jeff Latimer
>Index: moniker.c
>RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/ole32/moniker.c,v
>retrieving revision 1.38
>diff -u -r1.38 moniker.c
>--- moniker.c 13 Dec 2004 21:19:02 -0000 1.38
>+++ moniker.c 28 Mar 2005 12:06:51 -0000
>@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
> #include <assert.h>
> #include <stdarg.h>
>-#include <string.h>
> #define COBJMACROS
>@@ -38,6 +37,7 @@
> #include "winbase.h"
> #include "winuser.h"
> #include "wtypes.h"
>+#include "wine/unicode.h"
> #include "wine/debug.h"
> #include "ole2.h"
>@@ -50,11 +50,11 @@
> /* define the structure of the running object table elements */
> typedef struct RunObject{
>- IUnknown* pObj; /* points on a running object*/
>- IMoniker* pmkObj; /* points on a moniker who identifies this object */
>+ IUnknown* pObj; /* points on a running object*/
>+ IMoniker* pmkObj; /* points on a moniker who identifies this object */
> FILETIME lastModifObj;
>- DWORD identRegObj; /* registration key relative to this object */
>- DWORD regTypeObj; /* registration type : strong or weak */
>+ DWORD identRegObj; /* registration key relative to this object */
>+ DWORD regTypeObj; /* registration type : strong or weak */
> }RunObject;
> /* define the RunningObjectTableImpl structure */
>@@ -106,6 +106,55 @@
> RunningObjectTableImpl_EnumRunning
> };
>+/* define the EnumMonikerImpl structure */
>+typedef struct EnumMonikerImpl{
>+ IEnumMonikerVtbl *lpVtbl;
>+ ULONG ref;
>+ RunObject* TabMoniker; /* pointer to the first object in the table */
>+ DWORD TabSize; /* current table size */
>+ DWORD TabLastIndx; /* first free index element in the table. */
Since you asked for feedback on style, I'll say that you should try to
keep the naming conventions consistent.
>+ DWORD runObjTabRegister; /* registration key of the next registered object */
>+ DWORD currentPos; /* enum position in the list */
>+} EnumMonikerImpl;
>+/* IEnumMoniker prototype functions : */
>+/* IUnknown functions*/
>+static HRESULT WINAPI EnumMonikerImpl_QueryInterface(IEnumMoniker* iface,REFIID riid,void** ppvObject);
>+static ULONG WINAPI EnumMonikerImpl_AddRef(IEnumMoniker* iface);
>+static ULONG WINAPI EnumMonikerImpl_Release(IEnumMoniker* iface);
>+/* IEnumMoniker functions */
>+static HRESULT WINAPI EnumMonikerImpl_Next(IEnumMoniker* iface, ULONG celt, IMoniker** rgelt, ULONG* pceltFetched);
>+static HRESULT WINAPI EnumMonikerImpl_Skip(IEnumMoniker* iface, ULONG celt);
>+static HRESULT WINAPI EnumMonikerImpl_Reset(IEnumMoniker* iface);
>+static HRESULT WINAPI EnumMonikerImpl_Clone(IEnumMoniker* iface, IEnumMoniker** ppenum);
If you put the vtable after the implementations of the functions then
you don't need to declare the prototypes here.
>+/* Local functions*/
>+HRESULT WINAPI EnumMonikerImpl_Initialize(void);
>+HRESULT WINAPI EnumMonikerImpl_CreateEnumROTMoniker(RunObject* runObjTab,
>+ ULONG TabSize,
>+ ULONG TabLastIndx,
>+ ULONG currentPos,
>+ IEnumMoniker ** ppenumMoniker);
>+HRESULT WINAPI EnumMonikerImpl_UnInitialize(void);
>+HRESULT WINAPI EnumMonikerImpl_Destroy(void);
>+HRESULT WINAPI EnumMonikerImpl_GetObjectIndex(EnumMonikerImpl* This,DWORD identReg,IMoniker* pmk,DWORD *indx);
Presumably, these should all be static since they are not used outside
the file.
>+/* Virtual function table for the IEnumMoniker class. */
>+static IEnumMonikerVtbl VT_EnumMonikerImpl =
>+ EnumMonikerImpl_QueryInterface,
>+ EnumMonikerImpl_AddRef,
>+ EnumMonikerImpl_Release,
>+ EnumMonikerImpl_Next,
>+ EnumMonikerImpl_Skip,
>+ EnumMonikerImpl_Reset,
>+ EnumMonikerImpl_Clone
> /***********************************************************************
> * RunningObjectTable_QueryInterface
> */
>+ * EnumMonikerImpl_CreateEnumROTMoniker
>+ * Used by EnumRunning to create the structure and EnumClone
>+ * to copy the structure
>+ */
>+HRESULT WINAPI EnumMonikerImpl_CreateEnumROTMoniker(RunObject* TabMoniker,
>+ ULONG TabSize,
>+ ULONG TabLastIndx,
>+ ULONG currentPos,
>+ IEnumMoniker ** ppenumMoniker)
>+ int i;
>+ if (currentPos > TabSize)
>+ return E_INVALIDARG;
>+ if (ppenumMoniker == 0)
>+ return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
This should probably be E_INVALIDARG.
>+ *ppenumMoniker = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(EnumMonikerImpl));
if (!*ppenumMoniker) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
>+ void *vpThis=*ppenumMoniker;
Variable used just for changing types?!?!
>+ EnumMonikerImpl* This=0;
Using NULL instead of 0 tends to make it clearer that you are using a
>+ This=vpThis;
All of these variable declarations need moving to the top of the block.
>+ TRACE("(%p)\n",This);
>+ /* initialize the virtual table function */
>+ This->lpVtbl = &VT_EnumMonikerImpl;
>+ /* the initial reference is set to "1" because if set to "0" it will be not practis when */
>+ /* the ROT referred many times not in the same time (all the objects in the ROT will */
>+ /* be removed every time the ROT is removed ) */
>+ This->ref = 1; /* set the ref count to one */
>+ This->currentPos=0; /* Set the list start posn to start */
>+ This->TabSize=TabSize; /* Need the same size table as ROT */
>+ This->TabLastIndx=TabLastIndx; /* end element */
>+ This->TabMoniker=HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,This->TabSize*sizeof(RunObject));
>+ if (This->TabMoniker==NULL) {
>+ HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, This);
>+ return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
>+ }
>+ for (i=0;i<This->TabLastIndx;i++){
>+ This->TabMoniker[i]=TabMoniker[i];
>+ IMoniker_AddRef(TabMoniker[i].pmkObj);
>+ }
>+ return S_OK;
> }
> /***********************************************************************
>@@ -512,8 +621,180 @@
> return res;
> }
>+ * EnumMoniker_QueryInterface
>+ */
>+HRESULT WINAPI EnumMonikerImpl_QueryInterface(IEnumMoniker* iface,REFIID riid,void** ppvObject)
>+ EnumMonikerImpl *This = (EnumMonikerImpl *)iface;
>+ TRACE("(%p,%p,%p)\n",This,riid,ppvObject);
>+ /* validate arguments */
>+ if (This==0)
Remove this check. It is completely bogus.
>+ if (ppvObject==0)
>+ return E_INVALIDARG;
>+ *ppvObject = 0;
>+ if (IsEqualIID(&IID_IUnknown, riid))
>+ *ppvObject = (IEnumMoniker*)This;
>+ else
>+ if (IsEqualIID(&IID_IEnumMoniker, riid))
>+ *ppvObject = (IEnumMoniker*)This;
>+ if ((*ppvObject)==0)
>+ return E_NOINTERFACE;
>+ EnumMonikerImpl_AddRef(iface);
>+ return S_OK;
>+ * EnumMoniker_AddRef
>+ */
>+ULONG WINAPI EnumMonikerImpl_AddRef(IEnumMoniker* iface)
>+ EnumMonikerImpl *This = (EnumMonikerImpl *)iface;
>+ TRACE("(%p)\n",This);
>+ return InterlockedIncrement(&This->ref);
>+ * EnumMoniker_Destroy
>+ */
>+HRESULT WINAPI EnumMonikerImpl_Destroy()
>+ TRACE("(?)\n");
>+// if (enumMonikerInstance==NULL)
>+// return E_INVALIDARG;
>+ /* free the enummoniker structure memory */
>+// HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(),0,enumMonikerInstance);
>+ return S_OK;
You are not using this function, so remove it.
>+ * EnumMoniker_release
>+ */
>+ULONG WINAPI EnumMonikerImpl_Release(IEnumMoniker* iface)
>+ DWORD i;
>+ EnumMonikerImpl *This = (EnumMonikerImpl *)iface;
>+ ULONG ref;
>+ TRACE("(%p)\n",This);
>+ if (This==0)
>+ return E_INVALIDARG;
Another bogus This pointer check.
>+ ref = InterlockedDecrement(&This->ref);
>+ /* unitialize rot structure if there's no more reference to it*/
>+ if (ref == 0) {
>+ /* release all registered objects in Moniker list */
>+ for(i=0;i<This->TabLastIndx;i++)
>+ {
>+ IMoniker_Release(This->TabMoniker[i].pmkObj);
>+ }
>+ /* there're no more elements in the table */
>+ TRACE("(%p) Deleting\n",This);
>+ HeapFree (GetProcessHeap(), 0, This->TabMoniker); // free Moniker list
>+ HeapFree (GetProcessHeap(), 0, This); // free Enum Instance
>+ }
>+ return ref;
>+ * EnmumMoniker_Next
>+ */
>+HRESULT WINAPI EnumMonikerImpl_Next(IEnumMoniker* iface, ULONG celt, IMoniker** rgelt, ULONG * pceltFetched)
>+// DWORD i;
>+// ULONG ref;
Remove these lines.
>+ EnumMonikerImpl *This = (EnumMonikerImpl *)iface;
>+ TRACE("(%p) currentPos %d Tablastindx %d\n",This, (int)This->currentPos, (int)This->TabLastIndx);
>+ ULONG i;
>+ /* retrieve the requested number of moniker from the current position */
>+ for(i=0;((This->currentPos < This->TabLastIndx) && (i < celt));i++)
>+ rgelt[i]=(IMoniker*)This->TabMoniker[This->currentPos++].pmkObj;
>+ if (pceltFetched!=NULL)
>+ *pceltFetched= i;
>+ if (i==celt)
>+ return S_OK;
>+ else
>+ return S_FALSE;
>+ * EnmumMoniker_Skip
>+ */
>+HRESULT WINAPI EnumMonikerImpl_Skip(IEnumMoniker* iface, ULONG celt)
>+ EnumMonikerImpl *This = (EnumMonikerImpl *)iface;
>+ TRACE("(%p)\n",This);
>+ if (This==0)
>+ return E_INVALIDARG;
Another bogus check. I'll stop commenting about these now, but you
should remove all of them.
>+ if ((This->currentPos+celt) >= This->TabLastIndx)
>+ return S_FALSE;
>+ This->currentPos+=celt;
>+ return S_OK;
>+ * EnmumMoniker_Reset
>+ */
>+HRESULT WINAPI EnumMonikerImpl_Reset(IEnumMoniker* iface)
>+ EnumMonikerImpl *This = (EnumMonikerImpl *)iface;
>+ if (This==0)
>+ return E_INVALIDARG;
>+ This->currentPos = 0; /* set back to start of list */
>+ TRACE("(%p)\n",This);
>+ return S_OK;
>+ * EnmumMoniker_Clone
>+ */
>+HRESULT WINAPI EnumMonikerImpl_Clone(IEnumMoniker* iface, IEnumMoniker ** ppenum)
>+ EnumMonikerImpl *This = (EnumMonikerImpl *)iface;
>+ if (This==0)
>+ return E_INVALIDARG;
>+ TRACE("(%p)\n",This);
>+ /* copy the enum structure */
>+ return EnumMonikerImpl_CreateEnumROTMoniker(This->TabMoniker, This->TabSize,
>+ This->TabLastIndx, This->currentPos,
>+ ppenum);
> /******************************************************************************
>- * OleRun [OLE32.@]
>+ * olerun [ole32.@]
The name of the function really is OleRun, not olerun. Feel free to
submit the change from OLE32->ole32 in another patch, but make sure you
change every instance of this.
> */
> {
>@@ -523,22 +804,142 @@
> ret = IRunnableObject_QueryInterface(This,&IID_IRunnableObject,(LPVOID*)&runable);
> if (ret)
>- return 0; /* Appears to return no error. */
>+ return 0; /* appears to return no error. */
> ret = IRunnableObject_Run(runable,NULL);
> IRunnableObject_Release(runable);
> return ret;
> }
> /******************************************************************************
>- * MkParseDisplayName [OLE32.@]
>+ * MkParseDisplayName [ole32.@]
> */
> HRESULT WINAPI MkParseDisplayName(LPBC pbc, LPCOLESTR szUserName,
> LPDWORD pchEaten, LPMONIKER *ppmk)
> {
>- FIXME("(%p, %s, %p, %p): stub.\n", pbc, debugstr_w(szUserName), pchEaten, *ppmk);
>+ int char_cnt = 0;
>+ int usernamelen = 0;
>+ HRESULT rc =0;
>+ WCHAR username [2048]; // workspace to parse name into
Please don't use C99 comments. Use "/* comment */" instead.
>+ IRunningObjectTable * pprot;
>+ IEnumMoniker *spEM;
>+ IMoniker * spMoniker;
>+// IUnknown * spUnk;
>+ LPMALLOC * ppMalloc;
>+ TRACE("(%p)\n", pbc);
>+ rc = CoGetMalloc(1, (LPMALLOC *) &ppMalloc);
You leak references to ppMalloc everywhere. Is it really necessary to
use CoGetMalloc?
> if (!(IsValidInterface((LPUNKNOWN) pbc)))
> return E_INVALIDARG;
>+ usernamelen = (int) lstrlenW(szUserName); // overall string len
>+ if (szUserName[char_cnt] == (WCHAR) '@') { // This is a progid not a file name
>+ FIXME("Progid not implemented\n");
>+ return MK_E_SYNTAX;
>+ } else {
>+ char_cnt = 0;
>+ if (szUserName[char_cnt+1] == ':') {
>+ if ((szUserName[char_cnt] < 'a' || szUserName[char_cnt] > 'z') &&
>+ (szUserName[char_cnt] < 'A' || szUserName[char_cnt] > 'Z')) {
>+ FIXME("bad drive %c\n", szUserName[char_cnt]);
This should be an ERR instead of FIXME, unless there is something you
haven't implemented. If that is the case, please add a comment here as
to what that could be.
>+ return MK_E_SYNTAX;
>+ }
>+ username[0] = (WCHAR)szUserName[0];
>+ username[1] = szUserName[1];
>+ char_cnt += 2; // point past drive spec
>+ }
>+ for (; szUserName[char_cnt] != 0x0 && // until end of string or
>+ szUserName[char_cnt] != '!' ; char_cnt++) { // end of component
>+ FIXME("%c",szUserName[char_cnt]);
Is this just a debugging statement?
>+ if (szUserName[char_cnt] == '\\' && szUserName[char_cnt+1] == '\\') {
>+ FIXME("badchar %c\n",szUserName[char_cnt]);
>+ return MK_E_SYNTAX;
>+ }
>+ if (szUserName[char_cnt] == '/' ||
>+ szUserName[char_cnt] == '?' ||
>+ szUserName[char_cnt] == '<' ||
>+ szUserName[char_cnt] == '>' ||
>+ szUserName[char_cnt] == '*' ||
>+ szUserName[char_cnt] == '|' ||
>+ szUserName[char_cnt] == ':')
>+ {
>+ FIXME("badchar %c\n",szUserName[char_cnt]);
>+ return MK_E_SYNTAX;
>+ }
>+ username[char_cnt] = (WCHAR) szUserName[char_cnt];
Shouldn't need a cast here.
>+ }
>+ FIXME("\n");
>+ username[char_cnt] = 0x0; // terminate the substring
>+ TRACE("File name to be converted to Moniker: %s\n", debugstr_w(username));
>+ rc = IBindCtx_GetRunningObjectTable(pbc, &pprot);
>+ if (!SUCCEEDED(rc))
>+ {
>+ ERR("IBindCtx_GetRunningObjectTable failed %04x\n", (int) rc);
This should be:
+ ERR("IBindCtx_GetRunningObjectTable failed 0x%08lx\n", rc);
>+ return MK_E_SYNTAX;
>+ }
>+ rc = IRunningObjectTable_EnumRunning(pprot, &spEM);
>+ TRACE("IRunningObjectTable_EnumRunning rc:%04x %p\n", (int)rc, spEM);
>+ if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
>+ {
>+ rc = MK_E_NOOBJECT;
>+ while ((IEnumMoniker_Next(spEM, 1, &spMoniker, NULL)==S_OK) &&
>+ (*ppmk ==NULL))
>+ {
>+ WCHAR *szDisplayn=NULL;
>+ rc=IMoniker_GetDisplayName(spMoniker, pbc, NULL,
>+ (LPOLESTR*) &szDisplayn);
>+ TRACE("Display Name %s for Moniker %p\n", debugstr_w(szDisplayn), spMoniker);
>+ if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
>+ {
>+ TRACE("IMoniker_GetDisplayName succeeded, rc %08x ROT Name:%s, New name:%s\n",
>+ (int)rc, debugstr_w(szDisplayn), debugstr_w(username));
>+ if (0==strcmpiW((WCHAR *)szDisplayn, (WCHAR *)username))
>+ {
>+ TRACE("is Equal %p\n", spMoniker);
>+ *ppmk = spMoniker; // we already have the Moniker, so use it
>+ IMoniker_AddRef(spMoniker); // say we are reusing this Moniker
>+ }
>+ else
>+ TRACE("Not Equal\n");
>+ CoTaskMemFree(szDisplayn);
>+ }
>+ }
>+// rc = IRunningObjectTable_GetObject(pprot, spMoniker, &spUnk);
>+// if (!SUCCEEDED(rc))
>+// TRACE("ok\n");
>+ IEnumMoniker_Release(spEM); // Free Enum interface
>+ IRunningObjectTable_Release(pprot); // Decrement ROT count
>+ pprot = NULL; // Finished with ROT pointer
>+ }
>+ else
>+ ERR("IRunningObjectTable_EnumRunning failed %04x\n", (int ) rc);
>+ if (*ppmk == NULL)
>+ {
>+ rc = CreateFileMoniker(username, ppmk); // convert to moniker
>+ if (SUCCEEDED(rc))
>+ {
>+ *pchEaten = (int) char_cnt;
>+ if (usernamelen > char_cnt) // there is more to do and not implemented
>+ {
>+ TRACE("Username len %i exceeds parsed text %i\n", usernamelen, char_cnt);
This should be a FIXME then.
>+ return MK_E_SYNTAX;
>+ }
>+ TRACE(" CreateFileMoniker Succeeded %04x\n", (int) rc);
>+ return (S_OK);
>+ } else
>+ {
>+ TRACE("CreateFileMoniker Failed %04x\n", (int) rc);
>+ return(rc);
>+ }
>+ }
>+ else
>+ {
>+ *pchEaten = (int) char_cnt;
>+ TRACE(" Reused Moniker %p\n", *ppmk);
>+ return (S_OK);
>+ }
>+ }
> return MK_E_SYNTAX;
> }
>RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/ole32/,v
>retrieving revision 1.43
>diff -u -r1.43
>--- 17 Mar 2005 20:50:35 -0000 1.43
>+++ 28 Mar 2005 12:06:52 -0000
>@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
> VPATH = @srcdir@
> MODULE = ole32.dll
> IMPORTS = advapi32 user32 gdi32 rpcrt4 kernel32 ntdll
> C_SRCS = \
> antimoniker.c \
Useless whitespace only change.
>Index: tests/moniker.c
>RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/ole32/tests/moniker.c,v
>retrieving revision 1.2
>diff -u -r1.2 moniker.c
>--- tests/moniker.c 28 Jan 2005 12:39:13 -0000 1.2
>+++ tests/moniker.c 28 Mar 2005 12:06:56 -0000
>@@ -22,40 +22,166 @@
> #define COBJMACROS
> #include <stdarg.h>
>+//#include <wchar.h>
Remove this line.
> #include "windef.h"
> #include "winbase.h"
> #include "objbase.h"
>+#include "objidl.h"
> #include "comcat.h"
> #include "wine/test.h"
> #define ok_ole_success(hr, func) ok(hr == S_OK, #func " failed with error 0x%08lx\n", hr)
>+LPTSTR * prt(HRESULT hr, LPTSTR * lpMsgBuf);
Not used anywhere.
> static void test_MkParseDisplayName()
> {
> IBindCtx * pbc = NULL;
>- IMoniker * pmk = NULL;
> ULONG eaten;
>- IUnknown * object = NULL;
>+ int cnt;
> /* CLSID of My Computer */
>- static const WCHAR wszDisplayName[] = {'c','l','s','i','d',':',
>+ static const WCHAR wszDisplayName1[] = {'@','c','l','s','i','d',':',
>+ '2','0','D','0','4','F','E','0','-','3','A','E','A','-','1','0','6','9','-','A','2','D','8','-','0','8','0','0','2','B','3','0','3','0','9','D',':',0};
Does "clsid:..." without the "@" still work? I'd prefer to see that test
still in there.
>+ hr = CreateBindCtx(0, &pbc);
>+ ok_ole_success(hr, CreateBindCtx);
>+ IMoniker *pmk1 = NULL;
>+ hr = MkParseDisplayName(pbc, wszDisplayName1, &eaten, &pmk1);
>+ todo_wine { ok(hr==0x800401e4, "MkParseDisplayName - Progid not implemented hr=%08x\n", (int) hr); }
MK_E_SYNTAX. See the ok_ole_success macro for how to print out HRESULTs
without casts.
>+ IBindCtx_Release(pbc);
>+ /* A bad drive */
>+ static const WCHAR wszDisplayName2[] = {'1',':','s','i','d',':',
> '2','0','D','0','4','F','E','0','-','3','A','E','A','-','1','0','6','9','-','A','2','D','8','-','0','8','0','0','2','B','3','0','3','0','9','D',':',0};
> hr = CreateBindCtx(0, &pbc);
> ok_ole_success(hr, CreateBindCtx);
>+ IMoniker *pmk2=NULL;
>+ hr = MkParseDisplayName(pbc, wszDisplayName2, &eaten, &pmk2);
>+ ok(hr==0x800401e4, "MkParseDisplayName hr=%08x\n", (int) hr);
>+ IBindCtx_Release(pbc);
>- hr = MkParseDisplayName(pbc, wszDisplayName, &eaten, &pmk);
>- todo_wine { ok_ole_success(hr, MkParseDisplayName); }
>+ /* A good drive, bad char */
>+ static const WCHAR wszDisplayName3[] = {'b',':','s','i','d',':',
>+ '2','0','D','0','4','F','E','0','-','3','A','E','A','-','1','0','6','9','-','A','2','D','8','-','0','8','0','0','2','B','3','0','3','0','9','D',':',0};
>+ hr = CreateBindCtx(0, &pbc);
>+ ok_ole_success(hr, CreateBindCtx);
>+ IMoniker *pmk3=NULL;
>+ hr = MkParseDisplayName(pbc, wszDisplayName3, &eaten, &pmk3);
>+ todo_wine { ok(hr==0x800401e4, "MkParseDisplayName hr=%08x\n", (int) hr); }
>+ IBindCtx_Release(pbc);
>+ // Good file name
>+ static const WCHAR wszDisplayName4[] = {'c',':','\\','w','i','n','d',
>+ 'o','w','s','\\','f','r','E','d','.','e','x','E',0x0};
>+ hr = CreateBindCtx(0, &pbc);
>+ ok_ole_success(hr, CreateBindCtx);
>+ IMoniker *pmk4=NULL;
>+ eaten=0;
>+ hr = MkParseDisplayName(pbc, wszDisplayName4, &eaten, &pmk4);
>+ todo_wine { ok(hr==0, "MkParseDisplayName hr=%08x\n", (int) hr); }
>+ IBindCtx_Release(pbc);
>+ /* Good file name + item. This test is to see if the whole display
>+ * name is consumed
>+ */
>+ static const WCHAR wszDisplayName5[] = {'c',':','\\','w','i','n','d',
>+ 'o','w','s','\\','f','r','E','d','.','e','x','E','!','m','a','r','k',0x0};
>+ hr = CreateBindCtx(0, &pbc);
>+ ok_ole_success(hr, CreateBindCtx);
>+ IMoniker *pmk5=NULL;
>+ eaten=0;
>+ hr = MkParseDisplayName(pbc, wszDisplayName5, &eaten, &pmk5);
>+ ok(hr!=0, "MkParseDisplayName failed hr=%08x\n", (int) hr);
>+ cnt = (int) lstrlenW(wszDisplayName5); // Get length of text
>+ ok(eaten==cnt, "eaten %d string len %i\n", (int) eaten, cnt); // See if consiumed
>+ IBindCtx_Release(pbc);
>+ /* This test is to create a valid Moniker an then load a couple of
>+ * entries into the ROT to test that MkParseDisplayName reuses the
>+ * Moniker in the ROT. Currently using the EnumMoniker object as
>+ * part of the Register call to satisfy the syntax
>+ */
>+ static const WCHAR wszDisplayName6[] = {'c',':','\\','P','r','o','g',
>+ 'r','a','m',' ','F','i','l','e','s','\\','v','i','m','\\',
>+ 'v','i','m','6','1','\\','g','v','i','m','.','e','x','e',0x0};
>+ hr = CreateBindCtx(0, &pbc);
>+ ok_ole_success(hr, CreateBindCtx);
>- if (object)
>- {
>- hr = IMoniker_BindToObject(pmk, pbc, NULL, &IID_IUnknown, (LPVOID*)&object);
>- ok_ole_success(hr, IMoniker_BindToObject);
>+ IMoniker *pmk6=NULL;
>+ eaten=0;
>+ hr = MkParseDisplayName(pbc, wszDisplayName6, &eaten, &pmk6);
>+ ok(hr==0, "MkParseDisplayName hr=%08x\n", (int) hr);
>+ cnt = lstrlenW(wszDisplayName6); // Get length of text
>+ ok(eaten==cnt, "eaten %d string len %i\n", (int) eaten, cnt); // See if consiumed
>+ IRunningObjectTable * pprot=NULL;
>+ hr = IBindCtx_GetRunningObjectTable(pbc, &pprot);
>+ todo_wine { ok(hr==0, "IBindCtx_GetRunningObjectTable hr=%08x\n", (int) hr); }
>+ IEnumMoniker *spEM1=NULL;
>+ hr = IRunningObjectTable_EnumRunning(pprot, &spEM1);
>+ todo_wine { ok(hr==0, "IRunningObjectTable_EnumRunning hr=%08x\n", (int) hr);}
>+ IUnknown *lpEM1;
>+ hr = IEnumMoniker_QueryInterface(spEM1, &IID_IUnknown, (void*) &lpEM1);
>+ todo_wine { ok(hr==0, "IEnumMoniker_QueryInterface hr %08x %p\n", (int) hr, lpEM1); }
>+ DWORD pdwReg1=0;
>+ DWORD grflags=0;
>+ hr = IRunningObjectTable_Register(pprot, grflags, lpEM1, pmk5, &pdwReg1);
>+ todo_wine { ok(hr==0, "IRunningObjectTable_Register hr=%08x %p %08x %p %p %d\n",
>+ (int) hr, pprot, (int) grflags, lpEM1, pmk5, (int) pdwReg1); }
>+ DWORD pdwReg2=0;
>+ grflags=0;
>+ hr = IRunningObjectTable_Register(pprot, grflags, lpEM1, pmk6, &pdwReg2);
>+ ok(hr==0, "IRunningObjectTable_Register hr=%08x %p %08x %p %p %d\n", (int) hr,
>+ pprot, (int) grflags, lpEM1, pmk6, (int) pdwReg2);
>+ IEnumMoniker *spEM=NULL;
>+ hr = IRunningObjectTable_EnumRunning(pprot, &spEM);
>+ todo_wine { ok(hr==0, "IRunningObjectTable_EnumRunning hr=%08x\n", (int) hr); }
>+ // Now see if the we get the same moniker after querying the ROT
>+ IMoniker *pmk61=NULL;
>+ eaten=0;
>+ hr = MkParseDisplayName(pbc, wszDisplayName6, &eaten, &pmk61);
>+ ok(pmk6==pmk61, "Moniker should be the same address %p != %p\n", pmk6, pmk61);
>+ IRunningObjectTable_Revoke(pprot,pdwReg1);
>+ IRunningObjectTable_Revoke(pprot,pdwReg2);
>+ IEnumMoniker_Release(spEM);
>+ IEnumMoniker_Release(spEM1);
>+ IRunningObjectTable_Release(pprot);
>+ if (pmk61!=NULL)
>+ IMoniker_Release(pmk61);
>+ if (pmk6!=NULL)
>+ IMoniker_Release(pmk6);
>+ if (pmk5!=NULL)
>+ IMoniker_Release(pmk5);
>+ if (pmk4!=NULL)
>+ IMoniker_Release(pmk4);
>+ if (pmk3!=NULL)
>+ IMoniker_Release(pmk3);
>+ if (pmk2!=NULL)
>+ IMoniker_Release(pmk2);
>+ if (pmk1!=NULL)
>+ IMoniker_Release(pmk1);
>- IUnknown_Release(object);
>- }
> IBindCtx_Release(pbc);
> }