On Wed, Mar 02, 2005 at 03:41:21PM -0800, Rizwan Kassim wrote:
Good stuff guys! Here are a few comments:
+#include <wine/test.h>
+#define ok2 ok
+/* To build outside Wine tree, compile with cl -DSTANDALONE -D_X86_ tvfs.c cabinet_fdi.c FDI.lib
+ These are only called if standalone are used, defining ok and START_TEST, which would normally be declared in winetree */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define START_TEST(name) main(int argc, char **argv)
+#define ok(condition, msg) \
+ do { if(!(condition)) { \
+ fprintf(stderr,"failed at %d, msg:" msg "\n",__LINE__); \
+ exit(1); \
+ } } while(0)
+#define ok2(condition, msg, arg) \
+ do { if(!(condition)) { \
+ fprintf(stderr,"failed at %d, msg:" msg "\n",__LINE__, arg); \
+ exit(1); \
+ } } while(0)
+#define todo_wine
Please get rid of this. It is useless in the Wine tree. If you need it,
just put it in a private header file, and include it there.
+#ifndef DEBUG_ALLOC
+FNALLOC(final_alloc) {
+ return malloc(cb);
+FNFREE(final_free) {
+ free(pv);
+ return;
+FNALLOC(final_alloc) {
+ trace(" FNALLOC just called with %d\n",cb);
+ return malloc(cb);
+FNFREE(final_free) {
+ trace(" FNFREE just called with %d\n",pv);
+ free(pv);
+ return;
No need for this either. It's a test after all, there's no big deal if you
have a memory leak... :)
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+ trace(" FNFDINOTIFY real just called with %d, %d \n",fdint,pfdin);
Don't do it this way. Define trace such that you can use it unconditionally.
In general, try to avoid using the preprocessor in the code.
+ trace(" Cabinet Data : cbC %d cF %d cFi %d si %d iC %d fr %d hp %d hn %d\n",
+ cabinfo.cbCabinet,
+ cabinfo.cFolders ,
+ cabinfo.cFiles ,
+ cabinfo.setID,
+ cabinfo.iCabinet,
+ cabinfo.fReserve ,
+ cabinfo.hasprev ,
+ cabinfo.hasnext );
These should fit on 2-3 lines, no?
+ ok2 ( cabinfo.cbCabinet == TcbCabinet, "FDIIsCabinet,cabinfo %s data did not match! Failed!\n", cabname);
+ ok2 ( cabinfo.cFolders == TcFolders, "FDIIsCabinet,cabinfo %s data did not match! Failed!\n", cabname);
+ ok2 ( cabinfo.cFiles == TcFiles, "FDIIsCabinet,cabinfo %s data did not match! Failed!\n", cabname);
+ ok2 ( cabinfo.setID == TsetID, "FDIIsCabinet,cabinfo %s data did not match! Failed!\n", cabname);
+ ok2 ( cabinfo.iCabinet == TiCabinet, "FDIIsCabinet,cabinfo %s data did not match! Failed!\n", cabname);
+ ok2 ( cabinfo.fReserve == TfReserve, "FDIIsCabinet,cabinfo %s data did not match! Failed!\n", cabname);
+ ok2 ( cabinfo.hasprev == Thasprev, "FDIIsCabinet,cabinfo %s data did not match! Failed!\n", cabname);
+ ok2 ( cabinfo.hasnext == Thasnext, "FDIIsCabinet,cabinfo %s data did not match! Failed!\n", cabname);
Use ok() instead of ok2(). Also, it's probably better if the message contains the values of the
variables that don't match, so we know why it failed.
+#ifdef TVFS_DEBUG
+ trace("tvfs_create called with %s, %d, %d\n", fname, buf, len);
Similar to the one above, do the test inside the body of trace(), not on every use.
+ switch(whither) {
+ case SEEK_SET: {
+ handles[h]->pos = whence;
+ break;
+ }
+ case SEEK_CUR: {
+ handles[h]->pos += whence;
+ break;
+ }
This one needs a bit of indentation, no?
+int tvfs_close(int h){
+ int inode = handles[h]->inode;
+#ifdef TVFS_DEBUG
+ trace("tvfs_close called with %d\n", h);
+ if (!files[inode]){
+ return -1;
+ }
+ free(handles[h]);
+ /* Currently does NOT enabled open to reuse this handle */
+ return 0;
+ }
The formatting on this is funny. It needs indenting, spaces before '{',
and the opening braket for the function on a new line.