On Wed, 8 Jun 2005 12:32:27 +0100, you wrote:
> /***********************************************************************
> + * reg_get_logfont
> + *
> + * Tries to retrieve logfont info from the specified key and value
> + */
> +static BOOL reg_get_logfont(LPCWSTR key, LPCWSTR value, LOGFONTW *lf)
> +{
My guess is that this is not going to work for me. In my user.reg:
| "MenuFont"=hex:0c,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,90,01,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,41,72,69,\
| 61,6c,00,40,65,9a,c2,ac,1c,00,01,00,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,6c,f8,56,00,01,00,\
| 00,00,8a,2d
IOW it may be stored as a LOGFONT16 (as Win9x does) or a LOGFONTW and
maybe a LOGFONTA somewhere as well.