I've met this kind of errors so many times with fresh installs that I
finally took a look at what was going on;
err:winecfg:set_config_key Unable to set configuration key Audio in
section Drivers, res=1021
This error occurs because HKCU\Software is created with
REG_OPTION_VOLATILE, thus making it impossible to create non-volatile keys
under HKCU\Software. This breaks about every app that's trying to create
keys under "Software" - like winecfg.
This is because SystemParametersInfoW in dlls/user/sysparams.c creates
the "HKCU\Software\Wine\Temporary System Parameters"
key with REG_OPTION_VOLATILE - and if you do not have HKCU\Software\Wine
already available, they are crated as volatile also.
( see get_volatile_regkey() )
You can test this simply by (if you have a fresh install, you can go
directly to 4.);
1. Opening regedit
2. Delete HKCU\Software (or HKCU\Software\Wine only)
3. Close regedit
4. Open regedit
5. Try to create a new key under HKCU\Software (or HKCU\Software\Wine,
if you removed only that)
6. You'll get error message "Subkey must be volatile"
Any comments?
( This could be fixed in sysparams.c - already got a patch ready for it,
but probably it's better to ensure
in wineserver that the Software\Wine exists or something, so that this
bug does not pop up again later? )