Am Mittwoch, 26. Dezember 2007 22:35:16 schrieb Günther Brammer:
> + memset(&locked_desc, 1, sizeof(locked_desc));
> + locked_desc.dwSize = sizeof(locked_desc);
> +
> hr = IDirectDrawSurface_Lock(surface, rect, &locked_desc,
> DDLOCK_WAIT, NULL); ok(hr == DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS, "Lock returned 0x%08x for
> rect [%d, %d]->[%d, %d]" ", expected DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS (0x%08x)\n", hr,
> rect->left, rect->top, rect->right, rect->bottom, DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS); +
> ok(!memcmp(&locked_desc, &surface_desc, sizeof(locked_desc)),
> "IDirectDrawSurface_Lock did not set lpSurface in the surface desc\n"); }
I think you should just compare lpSurface instead of memcmp'ing the entire
Also, in the patch that changes surface.c, it seems that the patch changes a
few whitespaces(unless I missed something).