Our existing tests for GetPrivateProfileString were not checking to see
if strings were null terminated, and in particular, the case where
lpDefault wasn't set, the code actually *didn't* set the target buffer
to an empty string as it should. Valgrind noticed this problem, but the
unit tests didn't, so I've updated the unit tests to add this test *and*
fixed the relevant code to GetPrivateProfileString. Please find the
patch attached.
diff --git a/dlls/kernel32/profile.c b/dlls/kernel32/profile.c
index 9b6b1a1..e52cd66 100644
--- a/dlls/kernel32/profile.c
+++ b/dlls/kernel32/profile.c
@@ -1114,9 +1114,10 @@ static int PROFILE_GetPrivateProfileString( LPCWSTR section, LPCWSTR entry,
} else if (buffer && def_val) {
lstrcpynW( buffer, def_val, len );
ret = strlenW( buffer );
- }
- else
+ } else {
+ buffer[0] = 0; /* buffer must be a null terminated empty string */
ret = 0;
+ }
RtlLeaveCriticalSection( &PROFILE_CritSect );
diff --git a/dlls/kernel32/tests/profile.c b/dlls/kernel32/tests/profile.c
index cddc9a0..2f0ff13 100644
--- a/dlls/kernel32/tests/profile.c
+++ b/dlls/kernel32/tests/profile.c
@@ -338,11 +338,17 @@ static void test_profile_existing(void)
ok(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != h, "%d: CreateFile failed\n",i);
+ /* Fill the buffer with non-zero values so we can test if the
+ result is properly null terminated */
+ memset(buffer, 0xff, sizeof(buffer));
ret = GetPrivateProfileStringA(SECTION, KEY, NULL, buffer, MAX_PATH, testfile2);
if (!pe[i].read_error)
ok( ret, "%d: GetPrivateProfileString failed with error %u\n", i, GetLastError() );
+ {
ok( !ret, "%d: GetPrivateProfileString succeeded\n", i );
+ ok( buffer[ret] == 0, "Get GetPrivateProfileString should terminate buffer with null\n" );
+ }
ok( DeleteFile(testfile2), "delete failed\n" );