Hello all,
I know this will only interest a small portion of you but thought i
would give a quick update on the state of IMM32 since I have brought it
to a major milestone.
All the main patches are in which now separate IMM32 and IMEs. There
is still more work to do but the major framework is in place. X11 XIM
processing should be unchanged. However wine can now begin to load
native windows IMEs as well.
I have tested with windows ATOK20 (a popular Japanese IME) and
[View More]successfully had text processing in a fully IME aware application. There
are still clear issues to resolve in many aspects of this processing but
we have forward progress.
ImmInstallIME does not work yet, nor does switching keyboards. So to
get the native IME to work you need to add this registry key.
[System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Keyboard Layouts\\<keyboard layout>]
"Ime File"=<IME filename>
so for example for ATOK20 in Japanese i used.
[System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Keyboard Layouts\\e0010411]
"Ime File"="ATOK20W.IME"
I would love to hear how well things work. I am sure using native IMEs
will quickly show us many places where IMM32 needs to be improved.
One issues I am going to investigate next is that sometimes non x11drv
ime initialization, if occurring too early, causes x11drv to fail to
create windows. I have not investigated with the latest changes to
xim.c (which may already correct this problem) but if you see this
problem this patch may help and i believe the
IME_UpdateAssociation(NULL) is already unneeded.
diff --git a/dlls/winex11.drv/xim.c b/dlls/winex11.drv/xim.c
index d4df9f7..0c98136 100644
--- a/dlls/winex11.drv/xim.c
+++ b/dlls/winex11.drv/xim.c
@@ -475,7 +475,6 @@ static void X11DRV_OpenIM(Display *display, XPointer
ptr, XP
XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback(display, NULL, NULL, NULL,
- IME_UpdateAssociation(NULL);
[View Less]
What happened to the Fedora packages? They have not been updated since
0.9.2!!!! Right now it is at 0.9.10!!! Nearly every other Linux distro
supported has the up to date packages!!! And why does the Red Hat packages
site not go to the SourceForge site as it does for SUSE packages and the
others?? I have not really had the guts to ask until now, because I thought
that maybe there was a slump, but now, its getting annoying!! And Fedora
just released Fedora Core 5 yesterday!!! Please tell me new …
[View More]packages will be
ready soon!!! Compiling WINE always crashes my computer, so I prefer to use
the RPMs...
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>From which configuration does the "ERROR_INVALID_NAME" came from,
when calling GetDefaultPrinter(NULL, &size) and no Printer is installed?
This Test is Present in the current "dlls/winspool/tests/info.c".
MSDN told us, that we receive an "ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND", if no Printer
is installed:
I get the "ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND" on win98se, winme, w2k and win2003 in
this Situation.
By By ...
... Detlef
Well, sort of. I found bugs in shell32, rpcrt4, comctl32 and wininet
that I had to implement, stub and override my way past before it would
render a page, but finally, here's the obligatory screenshot.
Does "mac" mean "powerpc mac only"? I rather
thought it meant "apple macintosh", regardless
of cpu. I ask because Austin has just gone through
and changed lots of "mac" bugs to "pc" even
though the bugs were on Intel macs, which just
seems wrong.
See http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14980
Essentially, to run Office 2007, you have to set an override
for riched20. Since Office installs a new, spiffier version
of riched20 in its own private directory, and expects to
find it there, isn't it a bug that we don't let it have it?
Sounds like it's time to write a conformance test...
sure would be nice if that override wasn't needed.
Maarten wrote:
> Why don't we have wine t-shirts any more?
I dunno, where were they before?
I just looked, couldn't find any on cafepress.com.
I'd like to bring back the Codeweavers drunken penguin
t-shirts, perhaps with a slightly more generic Wine
Coincidentally, I found some site on the net had taken
the logo from that shirt and erased the Crossover
logo from the wine bottle; here's a cleaned-up copy:
Hello Wine Developers,
Over the last couple of months I have been part of a team of students
at UCLA who have been
developing an implementation of the DxDiag application to release with
Wine. After a long
quarter, we have produced a working implementation. Some of the
features are still missing but
most of the functionality has been completed. I hope that our work
proves useful to the Wine
Attached is a patch that will add our code to the source tree. This
patch is not meant to be
[View More]committed, but should provide a demonstration of the application so
far. Any feedback would be
appreciated, I will try to incorporate any suggestions as I work on
releasing incremental patches
over the next few weeks.
- Allen Hair
[View Less]
I know that CodeWeavers supports quite nicely Mac builds of Wine, and
CrossOver for Mac, yet all of them are X11.
There was also once Darwine - an effort to provide Carbon Wine UI
driver and Mac optimizations & L&F.
Pretty many of those were merged back to Wine, but not winequartz.drv.
Do you guys think about reviving winequartz.drv?
This would greatly improve Wine on Mac as we could have native Mac
fonts handling that's faster than FreeType, Dock icons for Wine
[View More]applications, and few others.
There's still old copy of the it hanging around, but it is abandoned,
and no longer compiles with Wine.
Or I think it would be cool to write new winecocoa.drv or sthing like
that, as Apple officially states that Carbon is deprecated.
While it is not well documented, it is pretty easy with Cocoa to make
console non-bundled process to be UI foreground process and handle
events and Dock:
(This code is copyrighted by myself ;P)
> int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
> ProcessSerialNumber psn = {0, kCurrentProcess};
> OSStatus returnCode = TransformProcessType(&psn,
> kProcessTransformToForegroundApplication);
> SetFrontProcess(&psn);
> NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
> [NSApplication sharedApplication];
> NSImage *icon = [NSImage imageNamed:@"NSApplicationIcon"];
> [NSApp setApplicationIconImage:icon];
> [NSApp finishLaunching];
> NSWindow *window = [[NSWindow alloc]
> initWithContentRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 100, 100)
> styleMask:NSTitledWindowMask|
> NSClosableWindowMask|NSMiniaturizableWindowMask|NSResizableWindowMask
> backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO];
> [window center];
> [window setTitle:@"Test"];
> NSButton *button = [[NSButton alloc]
> initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(10, 10, 80, 80)];
> [button setTitle:@"What?"];
> [button setBezelStyle:1];
> [[window contentView] addSubview:button];
> [button release];
> [window makeKeyAndOrderFront:NSApp];
> while(1) {
> NSEvent *event = [NSApp
> nextEventMatchingMask:NSAnyEventMask
> untilDate
> :[NSDate distantFuture]
> inMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode
> dequeue:YES
> ];
> if(event) [NSApp sendEvent:event];
> }
> [pool release];
> return 0;
> }
BTW. I heard that someone previously working for Wine project is now
in Apple, it is true?
Adam Strzelecki |: nanoant.com :|
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I didn't update the translation statistics
(http://www.mikolaj.zalewski.pl/wine-transl/) very regularly lately - my
server is a bit broken and I can't run the scripts from cron but have
remember to do it manually from a different computer. I have plans to
fix it, but in the mean time, as some people may want fresh data, I have
finished the changes I've been working on and uploaded the sources. It
should be very easy to run them on ones machine and check the tree one
has on disk - …
[View More]there is a README with explanations. The archive is
available at http://www.mikolaj.zalewski.pl/dl/wine-transl.tgz . It is
the latest version that adds support for dumping/diffing dialogs.
Mikolaj Zalewski
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