The news is good.
First, if you are using Tiger, X11 is still broken and probably will
remain so.
Second, you do not need to upgrade to Leopard 10.5.7 to use XQuartz
2.3.3, the installer was fixed so it would install on 10.5.6.
Third, Graphical games that depend on GLSL functions work. I tried
dOOm, the Windows95 version, and it is definitely playable. Frame rates
drop whenever you pick something up, but this also happens with
CrossOver Games for Mac. This does not happen with Crossover Pro for
Mac 7.1.
I do not have any other programs that depend on GLSL functionality, but
I suspect they will work on this combination.
BTW, the version of Wine for Mac that I used for testing was built using
Mike Kronenberg's Build Environment 1.1.5.
James McKenzie