+ GdipGetClipBounds(graphics, &clip);
+ win_skip(/*fabs(defClip[0] - clip.X) < 0.0001 &&
+ fabs(defClip[1] - clip.Y) < 0.0001 &&
+ fabs(defClip[2] - clip.Width) < 0.0001 &&
+ fabs(defClip[3] - clip.Height) < 0.0001,*/
+ "Expected Clipping Rectangle to be restored to [%f, %f,
%f, %f], got [%f, %f, %f, %f]\n",
+ defClip[0], defClip[1], defClip[2], defClip[3],
+ clip.X, clip.Y, clip.Width, clip.Height);
Unconditional win_skip (or skip) does not make sense. skip indicates
that some tests have been skipped, but this is not the case here.
If that fails on Windows, you should fix it.
Vincent Povirk