I'd like to thank everyone that participated in our first Bug Day. I'm
definitely going to repeat it again next release, although I may move it
back a few days.
Some statistics:
Our bug target search (bugs unchanged since January 1st with the
download tag) started at 574 bugs. Now it's down to 508. That's 66
bugs that were either resolved, confirmed, or at least checked in on.
In the past two days there have been 30 bugs newly resolved. By
comparison, over the previous 2 weeks before then there were only 16
bugs resolved.
So, we're definitely making progress. Quite a few of us had some fun,
and I personally get a real satisfaction out of transforming our bug
database from a scary mess to a place we actually look forward to visiting.
I'd like to give a personal thanks to Luke Benstead, who set a great
example by gathering some of his real life friends to participate. Luke
has shown himself to be very capable, and he deserves bugzilla
permissions so he can help facilitate bug hunts in the future.
Again, thank you everyone!
Scott Ritchie