For a while we have been discussing on how to clean up / rewrite some
parts of the surface code in WineD3D. I did submit a number of patches
to initiate a rewrite of some parts but not all patches were correct
and it wasn't clear what final design I had in mind. I'm posting my
ideas to here to get some feedback on how to proceed. For people
outside wined3d this might not be that interesting but I'll give a
short overview of the problems, so that you could also understand it a
little bit.
The main issue is that pieces of modern code and legacy DirectDraw
code are entangled in a way which is not easy to untangle. There are
various places which can be improved but for now I want to limit
myself to 'BltOverride'. It is a big function shared between
DirectDraw/D3D7 blitting and D3D8 CopyRects / D3D9 StretchRect and
over the years it has become large and very ugly.
The way I thought about simplifying this call is to move some parts to
helper functions and to remove legacy functionality (e.g. move
colorfill back to Blt). A lot of the work which has to be done is not
just about moving code around. Some functionality can these days be
implemented in a nicer way thanks to functionality like shaders.
Below I have some pseudo code on how I think a chunk of BltOverride
and the blit_shader calls it uses, should be implemented. The main
idea is to move the majority of the code to the blit_shader. Unless
color keying / 8-bit is required, I expect that no actual shader is
needed. In case we need a shader, there are two cases namely when
blit_shader is implemented using GPU shaders and the case we need a
fall back. In case of the fall back, I think we need big chunks of the
'old' BltOverride code which needs to be moved over to ffp_blit.
(color keyed) offscreen surface -> render target blitting
if(orm_fbo && can_stretch) stretch_rect_fbo <-- this check is
around now; but I guess we ultimately want a
IWineD3DDevice_StretchRect which contains this code and which can fall
back to BltOverride)
context = context_acquire(CTXUSAGE_BLIT)
blit_shader->draw_quad(src_surface, src_rect, dst_rect)
arb_blit_shader based implementation
generate_shader (if needed)
if(color_keying_active) upload_colorkey_to_shader
if(p8_active) load_p8_palette
blit_shader->draw(src_surface, src_rect, dst_rect)
under the hood, LoadTexture/LoadLocation should not
perform surface conversion for us
basically the issue is how to distinguish between 2d
and 3d color keying and how to separete this
/* drawing */
ffp_blit implementation
blit_shader->draw(src_surface, src_rect, dst_rect)
if(need_color_keying) play_with_color_keying_flags (like
current BltOverride does)
restore_color_keying flags
I think the design described above could work (perhaps I missed
something, please correct me then). One of the issues is color keying.
Right now color key conversion is performed in LoadLocation based on
some flag magic. In case of a 2d blit using shaders this is not needed
but for Direct3D purposes it is needed. I'm not sure how to handle
this in a clear way. (I fear that we also get some new issues when a
game alternates between 2d and 3d color keying).
I don't expect issues regarding 8-bit as long as we implement them in
software and use opengl only during the upload (UnlockRect). If we
would allow hardware blitting, it would need to be 8-bit -> 8-bit
blits and no converted blits else we need hacks like paletteOverride
which I would like to eliminate.